f o r t y

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I used to think that living life on the edge was the best. It gave me something to live for, something to die for. It felt like being on an adrenaline high all the time.

Was it a mistake? Probably. Did I enjoy it? Every second, and I'd never trade it for anything else.

The only thing is is that you have to understand the difference between life and living.

Living means to enjoy your life. Take risks. The only thing I'd say, is don't take too many.

I was immature, irresponsible. I was young, thought it was okay.

Now look.
Lorenzo POV

I sat there, the low chatter of the room louder in my ears as I rubbed my face and ran my hands through my hair.

A woman came into the room and began to say someone's name but reading her lips, it wasn't me.

Everything had gotten loud. The footsteps of various people, the talking, the machines. Every single sound was ten times louder in my ears and I couldn't think straight.

My heartbeat was thudding in my ears and the faint sounds of a EKG machine could be heard from further away.

My breaths were short and quick but I was interrupted by someone calling my name.

"Lorenzo? Lorenzo?"

I looked up to see her father.

"Is she okay?" I said standing frantically.

"We don't know yet. The doctors aren't telling me anything."

"What about Javier and Anastasia?"

"Our people captured them and have them locked away. They're ready for you to deal with."

I nodded, my attention drawn towards the door as someone else entered.

"Family of Cortez?" She called out.

"Yeah, yeah- that's us." I said quickly.

"Please follow me."

She spoke to us very rapidly in Italian as we walked through busy corridors, barking instructions at a few people that we passed.

She took us to a room but the window at the door was translucent, so I couldn't see much.

"The doctors have informed me that you have been permitted to wait here. Any and all updates will come straight to you first. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask." She explained.

"Can we get an update now?" I asked, a little frustrated.

"Well, the surgeons have been able to remove the bullets and at the moment they are trying to ensure no internal bleeding begins. This is a very complicated process and I can't be sure how long it will take, signore."

"Wait, bullets plural?" the Don asked.

"Si, your daughter was shot three times, two of the bullets were the same but one was different."

"Have the bullets been discarded?"

"No we usually don't do that and if we did, we would put in a hazardous waste box."

"Bring them to me."

"Signore, legally I can't-"

"You can and you will. You know who I am and I'm not one to play fucking games so when I demand something I mean it. Hand the bullets over."

"Yes sir." She answered, terrified by the Don's demanding words.

She hurried off quickly and Romeo out a sigh, rubbing his forehead.

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