t h i r t y o n e

593 17 5

Lucía POV
I walked into the garage, checking the time on my phone.

It was a few minutes past midnight and I wanted to clear my head.

Pressing the unlock button on my keys, I smiled when I heard the familiar sound of the car door beep.

I opened the driver's side door and sat in the seat.

I brushed my fingers along the dashboard, realising how it wasn't as dusty as I expected.

"It's been a while since I've been in here." I whispered to no one in particular.

The Audi had been left sitting idle in the garage and I felt that if the car battery wasn't worn out, I could use it and take it for a drive.

I started the car and when I did, nothing went wrong. The battery hadn't died and the car had been used. 

Had someone been taking my car out?

I made a mental note to question Papa about it and drove out of the garage, turning the volume up on the car radio as I connected my Spotify to it.

Alive by Kid Cudi began to play in my car and I tapped the steering wheel to match the pace of the lyrics as I stopped at red lights.

When I got to where I was hoping to go, I parked my car and put my Airpods in, making sure they connected and the songs continued to play before I left.

I turned the sound down as I walked into the restaurant and kept my gun out in front of me after I pulled it from my holster.

I looked to my left and right, and kept walking, nudging the door open with my foot.

A gun cocked behind me, and I froze.

"Speak now or die."

"Little harsh for your best friend, isn't it Dante?"

"Yeah- wait what?"

I turned around my gun still pointed at him and raised an eyebrow.

""I remember your hair was much darker." He said, staring at me as he realised.

"Yeah, it's a wig."

"What the hell Lucía? It's been three years."

"Why is that everyone's first sentence?" I said, shaking my head. "There's a lot that's been going on, Dante. I'll fill you in."

I told him about faking my death, my life in hiding, the whole Anastasia disaster and the shootout at the ball.

He nodded and interrupted me throughout the explanation, asking many follow-up questions which would've been explained if he had listened and not interrupted me.

Once I had finished, Dante remained silent. He sat staring at at the ground in front of him as he began to process what I had told him.

"You're fucking crazy, you know that Fénix?"

I sighed, replying: "No one's called me that in years and obviously, I know that."

"So what, you're back for good now?"

"It looks that way. It's not like I left for a better life; everyone knows that when you join a mafia and get into that criminal life, there's no getting out of it."

"Innocent until proven guilty, amiga. We may be criminals in a regular person's eyes, but in our world- we're normal, not criminals. Steal a loaf of bread, they call us thieves."

"Steal a kingdom, they call us statesmen; yeah yeah, calm down Jafar." I said, shaking my head at his references.

"So fénix, what's the plan for you now?" Dante questioned as he gestured to my gun holster. "You're clearly back in the game now, but who you fighting next?"

"Some puta that threatened my family. I knew that she would show up soon but I had to figure out when."

"Who is this puta?"

"Anastasia Mozorov, better known as the only heir of the Russian Mafia seeing as she's the daughter of Damien Mozorov." I sighed.

The sound of tyres screeching outside made me look up and grab my gun, noticing that Dante had done the same.

"These aren't your guys right?" I asked him, looking over at Dante.

"¿Estás loco? Hell no, these ain't my guys."
[translation: are you crazy?]

We moved towards the entrance, and leaned our backs against the walls on either sides of the door.

The curtains that covered them were drawn but Dante and I both knew that the glass behind it was not bulletproof.

When the first guy entered, I grabbed his arms that held the gun and pulled him to my side, quickly disarming him before hitting him in the back of the head. He crumpled to the ground and I kicked him in the stomach for good measures.

Dante handled the next guy, not wasting any time as he snapped the man's neck without a second thought.

Six more guys came in, so Dante and I alternated between who we took; I had to multitask and took on three guys at one time, shooting two of them and fighting the other, who ended up on his knees as he looked up at me with blood on his face.

I smirked.

"You look good like this." I said, before shooting him in the head.

I looked over at Dante who was struggling a bit, so I helped him out.

I threw the one on Dante's back onto the floor and shot him quickly, giving Dante time to fight off the other two.

"Thanks." He said breathlessly.

"Don't mention it. Wait. Lift that guy up." I said, pointing to the last man that Dante had fought.

He lifted the man up effortlessly and I lifted the neck warmer he wore to see a tattoo.

"Recognise this?" I asked Dante.

He nodded. "It's a Russian mafia symbol. Mozorov's."

"Anastasia found me again. We need to get the hell outta here."

"Not so fast." A Russian accent said.

I turned around to see Anastasia pointing a gun directly at my forehead.

"Lucía Cortez. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." She smirked.

"I think both our lives would've been better if we never met, but sure." I answered sarcastically.

"Back off, boy toy. I'm here for her and her only." She quickly as I saw Dante moving towards me in my peripheral vision.

My jaw ticked.

"Come with me Lucía. Let's take a drive." She stated, instead of asking.

It wasn't up for negotiation clearly. I had to go with her.

"Let's go Lucía, or I'll shoot your boy toy and force you to come with me."

"He's not my boy toy, and fine. I'll go with you."

Without turning back to look at Dante, I holstered my gun and signalled to him saying not to follow us.

Anastasia walked on and I followed, not saying a word.

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