s i x t e e n

882 16 5

Unknown POV

Once again, my sleep was disrupted by the same repeating dream that had disrupted me for the past few months.

'You shouldn't have done that.'

It was making me reconsider many of my decisions in life, but what is life without regrets and risks?

'I've had enough with your behaviour.'

I had suffered all day with a killer headache and still had. I wanted to take some painkillers now, as I hadn't before.

I took one and swallowed it with some water, before rubbing my forehead gently and then going back to bed.

'Why don't you go back? Reveal to them who you really are; a monster.'

The sounds of Ivy by Frank Ocean played from my Google Mini that Dana had given me, the rain sounds being a background noise that Google had made a new feature.

I thought that I was dreaming, when you said you loved me...

The start of nothing...

I had no chance to prepare, couldn't see you coming...

The soothing sounds calmed my headache ever so slightly, and I pulled the covers up to my chin before hugging a spare pillow I had.

Slowly, it lulled me to sleep again and hopefully I wouldn't wake up till morning.

Lorenzo POV

Jodan, I should've known a guy like him wouldn't have agreed so quickly.
[translation: fuck]

Pointing a gun at him didn't do shit, did it? He wasn't the least bit terrified.

"Enzo, none of us could've known. Even I didn't know. Don't beat yourself up about it." Antonio said in a consoling voice.

"It's not okay though. I should've known." I shook my head at my actions.

"Lorenzo, the damage is done. We lost some men, Oscar lost some too. There's nothing we can do except look past this event and figure out what to do so something like this doesn't happen again."

"No, not we. I do. You need to get back to Italy."

"Actually, it's more important that you get back to Italy. You're the underboss, not me." He explained, raising his eyebrow at me.

Maybe I need to stay here longer. Get rid of Luis' gang before going back.

"We need you to be back so that the Don can send out the masquerade invitations. There's a lot of work that only you can do over in Italy Lorenzo. You need to let Oscar and his remaining guys go work it out. This is their territory, not ours."

"I know; it just doesn't feel right though. We've been here helping them and solving the problems for them, so why can't we help them out now?"

"Lorenzo. Just let it go. I'll talk to Oscar and see what his plan is. If it's all violent, I'll help him improve it and figure out a less violent plan but for now, just let him do what he's gonna do whether it's violent or not. Okay?" Antonio reasoned.

I hesitated, then nodded in an agreement.

What he was saying was true and he wasn't wrong. This wasn't our territory, and I had to leave it to the guys here. I promised myself to step back and let Antonio advise his brother if he needed it.

I just hoped they wouldn't go guns blazing.

I really hoped so.

"I'll go back tonight. I'll book a flight and I'll let the Don know that I'll be back by morning."

Antonio nodded and gave me a small smile, telling me that he was happy that I chose the right option.

He decided to go back into the house to talk to his brother, and I got in my car and went back to the hotel.

As I drove, I noticed a car following me. I knew this as they'd made the same three turns as I had but kept their distance from my car.

"Her Siri, call Antonio."

"Calling Antonio."

The line rang a few times before he answered, his voice slightly quieter due to the car's speakers.

"Hello? Enzo, what's up?"

"Some car is following me, I'm trying not to make them speed up so I'm going my usual speed and making my usual turns. Can you get a read on the number plate and call me some backup?"

"Tell me the number plate but keep your eyes on the road; don't worry about backup, I got you."

"477-PKN." I said as I read it to him slowly.

I gave him a few minutes when suddenly he spoke.

"Got it. Just keep driving Lorenzo, don't stop. I've got backup on the way. Stay on call with me."


A few minutes went by, and he told me about Oscar's plan when a familiar car showed up behind the one that was following me.

I smirked and said, "Thanks, Antonio."

"Anytime Boss." He replied, chuckling slightly as he took the guy on a detour, letting me speed up and get to the hotel to pack my things.

I parked in front of the hotel and got out, locking the car doors and going inside.

I had to start packing now and book the ticket.

The hotel was easy to get through and I quickly went to my room, grabbing any loose items of clothing and folding them neatly before balancing them on one hand as I moved through the room.

I grabbed the suitcase from under the table and opened it up on the bed, placing my clothes inside so it would close properly and so that everything could fit inside.

My music was playing in my ears, my headphone wire trailing down the inside of my shirt and out to my shorts pocket where my phone was.

Ohh i could hate you now,
it's quite alright to hate me now...

when we both know that deep down,
the feeling still deep down is good...

Once everything was packed up, I went to take a seat at the table and logged onto my laptop.

I informed the Don that I was planning on coming back, and he replied quickly saying that he would send his jet to me and let me know what time it would arrive.

Hmm, perks.

Arrival time: 8:00pm
See you soon, Lorenzo.
- Romeo

I thanked him in my head and got the rest of my things together, knowing I had some time to kill.

Time to catch a flight.

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