t w e n t y o n e

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*play song*
The sounds of Mala Mía were blasting through the speakers, with the people on the dance floor moving their hips and shouting along to the lyrics despite the song being in Spanish.

The serving job wasn't too hard, with the customers too drunk to complain about how slow I served them.

Asher has mostly given me advice when it came to serving. He made sure I was holding the tray properly, making sure it was balanced so it wouldn't fall as often as normal.

On my serving tray, I had two Angel Shots, a whiskey bottle and two glasses that one of the bartenders gave to me, telling me to hand it to a corner booth.

I took them over to the specific table where I was startled by who had ordered them.

Antonio and Javier were sitting there, a woman sitting beside Javier.

"Angel shots?" I asked; the woman put her hand up and I placed both shots in front of her.

I set the whiskey in between Javier and Antonio, placing each glass in front of them.

"Grazie." Said Antonio, taking the bottle immediately before pouring it into the two glasses.

"Do you want anything else?" I asked, just to be sure.

"Actually, can I get a Cola bottle too?" Javier said, leaning towards me so I could hear him over the music.

"Yeah, I got you. Lemme grab that for you."

I walked away and shouted for Asher to get me one with him replying, "You got it darlin, I'll leave it with the bartenders."

I took some more drinks from the bartenders and added them to my tray, holding it with one hand with the Cola bottle in the other.

As I delivered all the drinks, I was thanked and cheered for randomly by the drunk people before I got to the table with Javier and Antonio.

"Here's your Cola. Anything else?" I asked for the second time.

They shook their heads no and let me leave when I suddenly saw Christian waving at me.

I went over to him and asked him what he needed.

"Are you ready to start behind the bar?"

"Oh yeah, sure I can do that."

He took me behind the bar and showed me where each alcohol was.

The beers were in the fridge and the liqueurs were kept with the other mixers.

Christian stood back as I took orders from the people in front of me, showing me how to add it to their tab and how to close tabs when people requested it.

He was a good teacher and I picked everything up very quickly.

I took orders until very late in the night, and it got to about midnight before the club had cleared out.

Christian came and praised me for the work I had done and then let me go home, knowing that today had been really busy for a first day.
Lorenzo POV

"Oh darling, can't you see? Can't you see who I really am?"

That's Anastasia, Javier's girl.

What is she talking about?

"You can't be serious. You don't know who I am?"

Her accent's getting stronger. Russian descent.

"My love? Mi amor, can you hear me?"

Wait, her figure has changed.

That's not Anastasia.


She's reaching for me? her hands trying to grab mine.

I can't move. I'm stuck.

I'm trying harder and harder to reach her, to grab her hands and pull her towards me.

Pull her in so that I don't let her go again.

I don't want her to go.

She's looking at me, with tears in her eyes.

"Let me go." She says.

I try to speak, but no sound comes out.

I try to shake my head, but I can't move again.

"Let me go." She says, moving her hands away from me.

She steps back, she's walking. She moves backwards instead of towards me.

Let me go, she whispers.

I close my eyes and everything goes dark.

I woke up suddenly, my heart racing.

My breath was still shaky  and my surroundings were still dark.

I glanced  at my phone screen and tapped on it twice.



I got out of bed and went into my bathroom, turning the lights on that were attached to the mirror cupboard.

The lights blinded me slightly and I rubbed at my eyes until I could see clearly.

Dios mio, I look tired.

I turned on the tap and splashed some cold water on my face, knowing it would shock me but getting surprised regardless.

I brushed my teeth and put on some of my favourite perfume, Dior Sauvage, before getting changed into some sweats and a crewneck sweater.

Jogging down the stairs, I headed straight for the kitchen. The coffee pot had been cleaned, so I made a fresh pot and poured myself some once it was done.

It was quite early in the morning, and I wasn't expecting anyone downstairs soon until a figure's shadow casted on the cupboard in front of me due to the kitchen lights.

Quickly, I turned around- my gun was in my hand and the safety clicked off.

Their hands went up in surrender and they stepped forward, into the light.

"Now Lorenzo, that's no way to greet your father: is it?"

"Dios mio, how did you get into the house? And what are you doing here so early in the morning?"

"I can't come visit my son?"

"You can, but you and I both know that's not what you're here for."

"You're right," He said, leaning against the kitchen island, "I was here for a meeting and I showed up early. Romeo let me in."

Just as he mentioned the Don's name, Romeo entered the kitchen and shook my father's hand.

"Ah, Lorenzo, buongiorno. I didn't think you'd be up this early."

"Buongiorno, Don. Padre." I said, nodding at them both.

"Lorenzo, I need you to go check on the bar today. Apparently they hired a new server last night who also works as a bartender."

"Okay, I can do that. I'll go in the evening, when the bar is quite crowded."

"Good; well, I'm not going to get in your way today but if you need anything from me, just ask. Other than that, I have no other work for you today."

I nodded at him and took the file that he had placed down on the island, before walking away and getting ready for the rest of my day.

tiktok and insta @m8starr!!
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~ m

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