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"Capo, despierta por favor. We've landed." A muffled voice came.
[translation: Boss, get up please.]

I peeled off the covers and groaned as I sat up. My hands rubbed at my eyes and they began to focus when I saw one of the men at the door.

"Si, vamos. Ya voy."
[translation: Yes, go. I'm coming.]

I groaned and stretched my arms up in the air, tilting my neck to both sides before standing up and grabbing the shoes.

I slipped them on and hurried out of the jet, carefully stepping down the stairs in hopes I wouldn't trip.

I was greeted with the heat of the early morning and four cars all belonging to men I had known or still knew.

The men stood in a line and looked down at the floor before lifting their heads.

I nodded once and they took the message immediately, dispersing into their cars and starting the engines.

A car pulled up and the passenger door opened. The familiar face of Nicky Sanchez had me pleased; I got into the car and shut the door behind me.

"Lorenzo, muchas gracias. You don't know how much we needed your presence  here. Street gangs have been trying to rise up in ranks and the amount of killings, kidnappings, and other, is getting worse. This wouldn't bother me usually, but it's innocent people getting hurt. Not just innocent lives; my men, other associates and their men are all dying because of petty gang wars."

He kept driving as he gave me all the information I needed. We were heading towards the hotel where I was going to stay for the next few days.

"Tomorrow, I will visit the first few gangs and see if I can resolve the problems. Gracias Nicky. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

We walked into the hotel and my men separated into their rooms, not before escorting me to my room.

I unlocked the door with the key and stepped inside, thankful that I had some time to myself.

I took my shoes off and placed them next to the door before shrugging off my coat suit and letting it hang on the rack.

I sat down on the couch and flicked on the TV, curious as to what the local news had to say about all the violence.

Unknown POV

I sighed after waking up for the third time tonight, the gunshots interrupting the few hours of sleep that I was getting.

I was worn out from being on my feet all day at the restaurant and I had to wake up early for a shift at the mansion I was hired at.

The gang violence in Mexico was getting progressively worse and no one was doing anything. They had killed multiple officers of the law so the government didn't want to risk anything and stayed out of their ways.

I kept on the down low, not showing my face in public and keeping to side roads instead of the busy main roads. I know it was more dangerous but I had weapons on me at all times.

I'd been attacked a fair few times but I fought them off with ease, all of them ending with them on the floor with fatal injuries.

I snuggled into the cosy covers in hopes the pounding headache I had would subside and allow me to sleep.

Sleep didn't come easy like it used to. Now I began doing breathing exercises and other relaxation methods to fall asleep yet it still didn't work.

It had been ages since I had gotten proper sleep, with all the shootouts at night and the restlessness that overcame me.

My thoughts had me up at all hours of the night, just running through my head on an endless loop.

There was conversation about this guy, Nicky... Noah or something; He was bringing help from "afar".

There weren't many reliable sources especially if you didn't know many people.

I couldn't tell you what was going to happen in Mexico, even our workplace areas wouldn't speak of it. Not even in whispers.

Everyone feared the street gangs. Innocent people were dying because of them and they practically announced the killings of the police officers.

Someone needed to fix this, and fast.
Lorenzo POV

I sat up against the headboard, grabbing the TV remote from the bedside table and turning it off.

It was now the next day and sun was pouring into my room through the cracks of the blinds.

I walked into the bathroom and showered, washing my hair properly and making sure I didn't look as tired as I felt.

I had a towel wrapped around my waist as I stood in front of the mirror, brushing my teeth as I looked at the bustling street below me.

Once I was finished, I put on some SPF and changed into some causal clothes as Nicky requested.

I stood by the window, drinking the coffee that one of my men brought up for me when I noticed something in the street.

A woman.

I looked again, rubbing my eyes in hopes that it wasn't a dream or some sort of illusion.

Was it her?

I rushed out of my hotel room, swiping the card off the table as I left.

I heard shouts for my name behind me but I ignored them till I got into the street.

Carefully pushing past people, I went towards where I saw her.

I spotted her in the crowd, her back facing me as she walked in the direction I just came from.

I went up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. I prayed, begged, that it was her but when the person turned around, I was disappointed to find it wasn't her.

She looked similar, but it wasn't her. It couldn't be.

I would've known if it was her by touch alone. She was mine, but she wasn't here for me. She was gone.

And I was the one being impacted.

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