t h i r t y s e v e n

653 20 14

Lucía POV
It was late in the night and we had just eaten dinner.

Nonna had made Risotto for us all and once we were finished, I had taken me leave and gone up to my room.

Entering my room, I noticed that there was a piece of paper stood up on my desk. I had cleaned it beforehand so I went to the desk and grabbed the paper off the top.

It read:
Meet me at the garage, 8pm.
~ L

Looking at the time, I realised it was almost 8, so I quickly grabbed my phone and airpods and went downstairs; I opened the door to the garage and let out a gasp as I almost ran into someone.

"Dios mio, Lorenzo. What are you doing in the dark?" I hissed.

He chuckled lowly, saying: "Didn't mean to startle you, amore. So, are you ready to go?"

"Well I don't know where we're going but sure." I shrugged

He got into his car and I took a seat in the passenger seat, putting my belt strap behind me so my chest was less supported and I had more freedom.

Starting the car, he drove towards the gate as it slowly opened. Driving through, he slowly increased his speed and fished through his pocket to hand me his phone.

"Music?" He asked.

"Is that even a question?"

Going on to Spotify, I opened up a reggaeton playlist and found a few songs, but decided to start with Si no Le Contesto.

I drummed my fingers on my leg as the song played. 

"So, where are we going?"

"I can't tell you that." He replied, lowering the volume of the song.

"Why not?"

"That's the point of a surprise, Lucía."

We had arrived at our destination and we were at the airport runway.

Confused, I looked at Lorenzo asked him why we were here.

"Well, I have some food and things and I just wanted this to be a casual "hang out". I'm not sure why i picked an airport of all places but the sight of flights above us is calming to me." He said.

I smiled at the thought of it. Like other friends would do, we would sit and talk, and think about all the things that happened in our lives.

"I like that idea."

I helped him grab the bag of food and snacks he had in the back and he grabbed a picnic blanket of some sorts and laid it on the top of his car bonnet.

"Just in case our shoes make marks or anything." He said.

I nodded in understanding and climbed up, leaning back on the windshield as I looked up.

The loud sounds of the airplane departing from the airport filled out surroundings and we watched as the plane went up and soon became hidden by the clouds above.

"So, how have you been?" I asked, breaking the silence between us.

"Well besides the alcoholic period of my life, I've been okay. And you?"

"Yeah I've been okay, but leaving was hard. There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't want to book the next flight out and come back."

"It must've been hard, having to leave for so long."

"It was," I started, "but I didn't have much of a choice. And now that she's here, we need to work out how to strike back."

"Do you remember the time that you and I were going into the house after dealing with the club robberies and that guy tried to tell you to go help in the kitchen?" Lorenzo asked, handing me a bottle of Cola that he had opened already.

I laughed, "Yeah, I do. I shut him down so quickly. Let's toast." I told him, holding my bottle out towards him.

He did the same.

"To... to new beginnings." Lorenzo stated.

"To new beginnings." I smiled, the clink of the glass bottles hitting each other as we said 'salud'.

The night had gone on for a few hours, mostly of us reminiscing about when we had first met and all the times he and I had competed with one another.

"So you're telling me, that he stabbed someone 20 times and then shoved a card down the guy's throat?" He asked, looking at me as if I was insane.

"Yeah. 20 times and then a playing card down the guy's throat. Almost felt bad for the guy. Also, how did Javier end up meeting Anastasia?"

He sighed, grabbing some popcorn from the bag and opening it as he explained.

"I don't know how they met because I was in Mexico, but Antonio said that he was at the club with Javier and saw a girl approach him. They got to talking and it was love." He shrugged.

"Wow. Never thought Javier would be one for love at first sight."

"Neither did I. When I got back, he seemed so happy about the woman and I thought that for once, he had found something good in his life. I met her on my second day back and I had a feeling that something was off. She was awfully secretive about her past and was going to rooms that she shouldn't have been in."

I looked at him, confused.

"How long did you say Javier had known her for?"

"About half a year. Why?"

"The timeline doesn't add up. When she kidnapped me, I overheard the Russians talking about how they had dealt with us 'Italians' for a year and a bit. They hadn't made any contact with us previously. Unless..."

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