f i f t e e n

926 21 12

Unknown POV

"So, Javier, we've been seeing each other for a few weeks now." I said, readjusting my dress as I sat on his lap.

"Yes, we have. And?" He asked, with no sense of sarcasm in his voice.

"Why don't you introduce me to some of your friends?"

"Well, both my closest friends are abroad but soon, baby. I promise." Javier explained, kissing my cheek softly.

Ew, сука.
[translation: bitch]

I put on my fake smile and kissed him back slowly, teasing him a little. My hand crept up his shirt to the top button and undid it, before working my way down.

He continued to kiss me, deepening the kiss by threading his fingers through my short hair.  He tugged on it, giving him more access to my neck before he began kissing and sucking on the skin.

Just as he reached for my top, the ringtone of my phone played out loud, killing the mood instantly.

I winced and sighed, as did Javier.

"Sorry, darling."
I reached for the phone and answered it, signalling to Javier to give me a minute so that I could take the call as I left the room.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Wow, a real greeting this time? That's a first."

"What are you, crazy? I'm with him right now." I hissed at the person on the other line. "You could've blown my cover."

"Well, he's not important anyways. Hmm it's his friend that you want."

"Who's his friend?" I whispered hurriedly.

"Lorenzo Martinez, the one and only."

You're joking.

"You're joking."

I cant believe my ears.

"One hundred percent serious сука. He's the underboss' closest along with one other guy."
[translation: bitch]

God, this makes me want to barf.

"I'll deal with it. Don't call me back unless it's a major emergency. Do you understand me?"

"Yes ma'am." they replied before hanging up quickly.

"Babe?" Javier said, his voice getting closer.

"Yes baby?" I replied, catching him at my door and giving him a smile.

"I have to go now but I'll see you tomorrow. Sleep well, my love."

"Not as well as I would in your arms," I lied with ease, "but that's okay. Good night, and sleep well darling."

"Bye." He smiled before shutting my door and then the front door.

Ugh, men.

Lorenzo POV

"I had a feeling something was going to go wrong, so I tailed your car. As a mafia man, I'm surprised you didn't realise." Antonio explained, shaking his head at me as he took a swig from his bottle of Corona.

Luis ended up agreeing with our terms and decided to move his gang to some other part of Mexico. It was as if someone "knocked some sense into him". Literally.

I tapped my bottle of J2O against the neck of his Corona  whilst saying 'Salud' as a thanks.

"Well, I'm glad you did because you saved Nicky and I and I'm very grateful for it. So, thank you Antonio. And Oscar." I thanked.

Oscar gave me a raise of his bottle and a nod before turning to the conversation. Some attention had gone to the back gate where an unexpected female presence had just entered.

"Oscar?" She said.

He stopped talking and turned to the gate to see the woman standing there.

"Dana? ¿Qué haces aquí?"
[translation: What are you doing here?]

"We need to talk."

"Come, let's talk inside."

Oscar stood from his seat and took the woman's hand as he led her into the house.

"Who was that?" I asked one of the gang members sitting close to us.

"She's his girl. Dana Wright. She normally doesn't come down here ever, so it's weird seeing her again." He shrugged, before going back to his drinks.

The woman who's house we broke into.
The house who's cleaner we terrified.


I got up from my seat, my bottle in hand as I went in the house to find Dana.

She was sitting alone with a tv in front of her, some telenovela playing from it with dramatic gasps and furious statements in Spanish.

"Dana, I uh- wanna apologise. I was the one that broke into your house the other week. I didn't know that Oscar didn't live there and you were one of his few known associates so I had to send a message to find him."

"Honestly, it's okay. I'm angry I lost a good cleaner, and that you broke my mirror, but other than that it's fine. I understand the risks I'm taking to date Oscar, so it's expected."

I smiled awkwardly at her then left her alone, just as Oscar came down the stairs.

"I just apologised to your girl for breaking into her house. Again, sorry about that."

He laughed and patted my back as he walked off, telling me that it was okay and all was forgiven.

A loud banging on the door startled us and I turned to see Oscar going to open it, his hand resting on the gun he had on his waistband.

He looked through the peephole, then opened the door.

I kept my hand on my gun just in case and the door opened to reveal one of Luis' gang members.

"A message from Luis. Watch out, Lorenzo." He spoke.

With that, the sound of glass breaking made my head turn.

I ran out of the house and into the back where I saw our guys fighting some more gang members.

A guy approached me, baseball bat in hand and I quickly disarmed him, using the bat to hit him to the ground before moving to the next guys.

I threw a punch at one and used my feet to take out his knee, making him fall to the ground.

"Enzo!!" Shouted Antonio.

He pointed behind me and I ducked a punch swung by the guy. I kicked him harshly in the stomach and used the barrel of my gun to hit him in the head.

Three gunshots sounded loudly in the air, stopping the fight immediately.

We all looked to see Oscar standing at the back door with his gun raised, pointing at the sky.

"They're done. They stepped into our territory. Let's show em how it's done."

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