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Unknown POV

"You have 4 new messages.
Message from 'Dana Wright'
'Lauren, hun, can you answer my calls please? I need you for work.' "

I clicked the button and deleted the message.

"Message deleted.
Message from-"

I cut the machine off, deleting the next messages to save some time.

The restaurant job was wasting my time so I left shortly after my shift. The night was filled with cat calls and minimal work.

Ay dios mio, I need to get some sleep.

I put on some sweats and a t-shirt and slipped into bed.

My hands carefully placed my headphones into my ears and I started my music, the soft and calming sounds of Kali Uchis and Don Toliver from Drugs n Hella Melodies playing to me.

Days like these forced me to sleep whether I liked it or not, and the nightmares would return.

My mind wandered to Lorenzo and when he stormed into the house, and the Oscar Suarez guy that followed after him.

I assumed Dana dated or was dating Oscar by the seriousness in her swearing when I mentioned his name.

I wasn't sure what Oscar wanted with Lorenzo, but seeing as Oscar had a gang tattoo on the side of his neck, I thought he could be the one responsible for the gang wars.

A sudden shouting pulled me from my thoughts.

"Fire!! Fire!!"

It's coming from upstairs.

I hastily rushed out of bed and slipped on some shoes, grabbing my keys as I ran out of my apartment door to find where the noise was coming from.

I went up the the floor above and heard it again, this time closer.

I grabbed my butterfly knife and flipped it open, approaching the door cautiously as the screams get louder.

Then they became muffled.

It's not a fire, is it?

I busted the door open with my foot and saw the scene of a man there, his hands choking the woman and covering her mouth. Tears flowed down her face and her hands were desperately trying to pry his hands away from her body.

I ran up to him and punched the side of his head, making him turn towards me quickly enough for me to stab him right in his heart.

He tried to remove it and fight back but I was too quick for him and stabbed him again in the neck.

To save the woman some work of cleaning blood, I took his body and brought it to her window, which was right next to the alleyway on the side of our building. I dropped the body down and I turned to see her shaking with fear still.

I helped her up onto the sofa and cleaned up any mess that I had caused before making her a hot drink of tea.

I handed it to her and sat with her till I decided I was going to leave until she spoke up.

"Who are you?"

"I uh- live downstairs, and I heard shouting so I came."

"Thank y-you for your help."

"Don't mention it, and if anyone comes asking bout... that, just say you don't know. Yeah?"

"Claro que si."
[translation: Of course]

"Gracias. I have to go, but I assume you'll be okay?"

She nodded at me in conformation and I took my leave.

Lorenzo POV

"Don? Is Antonio there?"

"He... he hasn't left his room in two days. We know he's in there and okay- he accepts the food we leave at his door for lunch and dinner- but he hasn't come out since he heard about his brother."

"Can you give him the phone? Just leave it by his door and I'll deal with the rest."

"As you wish Lorenzo, just be careful with him."

I listened as the Don placed the phone on the floor, saying Antonio's name and telling him that I was on the line.

I had to contact him somehow before I started on the gang business here.

I kept listening on speaker, minutes passing as I signed paperwork and prayed he would take the phone.

Finally, after six papers, a shuffling movement sounded over the speaker.

The line was silent for a few minutes longer until a quiet noise came from the phone.

"Lorenzo... I didn't know-"

"That it was him, I know Antonio." I said to him calmly. "I'm not angry at you in any sort of way, but you never mentioned to me that you had a brother or about your parents."

"I know, lo siento, but I didn't think we needed to share such information. I mean, I told you I was an orphan which was a half truth but having Oscar as a brother wasn't the best thing to be known for in Mexico. I was so used to hiding that fact, I didn't think that knowing him would mean anything now."

"Would you want to see your brother again? I mean, through your own terms, but with your help and our resources, we can put your brother in a good place business wise. Nothing legal, obviously."

"I- I would appreciate it. But I'm not sure if I'm ready to see him again. He and I aren't cut from the same cloth, are we?"

"I saw some aspects of you in him when I met him first, but personality wise- you are nothing alike. Antonio, I won't force you to see your brother but if you do I suggest you do it soon. Despite his... dangerous appearance and approach to his gang business, he's got good intentions with you. So treat him well, and if he doesn't treat you the same- you know where to find me."

I heard a small laugh from the other line, and my lips curved into a small smile.

"Thank you, Enzo. For everything. The chances, work opportunities, and the friendship. You took me in when you didn't need to and I'll be forever grateful."

"That's what I helped you for. You have heart and a smart mind. Use it and decide what your doing properly, because in life- the risks and regrets we have all make our lives much more interesting but we cannot live with regret forever." I told him. "Have a good day, Antonio. I'll see you soon."

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