t w e n t y n i n e

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Aurora POV

"Don't even think about it." A voice said, startling me as I walked out of the venue door.

I turned to see Lorenzo leaning against the wall, one leg pushing against it as he flicked a lighter on and off in his hand.

"I was... Just about to find you! Is everything okay now?"

"Yes, everything is fine now." He began, walking towards me as he looked around us, realising that it had gotten dark. "But, there is one problem."

"You," he pointed, "aren't who you say you are."

"What on earth do you mean?" I said, keeping a straight face as I stepped back with every step he took towards me.

Unfortunately for me, there was no more space for me to take any steps and I had backed into a wall.

He caged me with one arm and placed his other hand on my throat, slightly applying pressure as I gasped quietly.

His hand was cold around my neck and the metal of his rings only made it worse, so I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before looking up at him.

He leaned in closer to me, his lips near my ears. As he spoke, his lips almost touched my ear and I tried not to panic as I listened to what he said.

"You, darling, were about to tell me who you really are before the other woman decided to shoot her gun in the air. So, who are you?" He whispered.

"I- I'm-"

"Lorenzo! Tenemos que ir."
[translation: we need to go.]

He sighed.

"Stay out of trouble Aurora. I'll see you around."

With that, he gave me a wink and walked away. I let out a breath I didn't know that I was holding and wondered if he had finally figured it out.

Lorenzo POV

"Ivan, is the tracker set?"

"Yup," He replied through the ear piece, "the tracker is live and working and she's on the move."

"Send me the location when she stops moving and she arrives at some kind of apartment."

"You got it boss."

I got to the house and got out of the car, nodding at some men I passed as I walked into the house.

"Don called a meeting, we need to be there in five minutes."  One of the men said to me.

"Got it."

I walked into the meeting room and sat in my seat as I got my phone out, waiting for the Don to arrive.

Ivan had sent me an app that allowed me to track Aurora through the tracker I placed on her earlier.

I watched as the circle went near our club, Pryzm. However, she didn't stop there and she passed it by a few streets before stopping.

The circle  stopped at a building and Ivan followed through with a message that had it's exact location.

You: Thank you, Ivan.

Ivan: Just doing my job.

I made a mental note to check the address out later, and put my phone in my pocket as the Don walked in and everyone stood up.

"Please, sit." He said to us first. "Potresti chiederti perché ho chiamato questra riunione ed è perché della fidanzata di Javier." Don explained as he handed out files to everyone. They contained all the research I found plus more on Anastasia Mozorov.
[translation: you may be wondering why i called this meeting and it is because of Javier's girlfriend]

"Suo padre era Damien Mozorov, il russo che abbiamo ucciso tre anni fa. All'epoca, non sapevano che avesse una figlia ma nemmeno lui. Quando ha scoperto che era morto, aveva 21 anni e aveva appena finito il suo allenamento. Nei file, c'è tutto quello che sappiamo si lei quindi legglio attentamente e prendi nota dei suoi noti associati. Hai domande?"

[translation: Her father was Damien Mozorov, the Russian we killed three years ago. At the time, we didn't know he had a daughter but neither did he. When she found out he was dead, she was 21 and had just finished her training. In the files, there is everything we know about her so read it carefully and take notes of her known associates. Any questions?]

"No Don." We all said in unison.

"Good. That's all. You can all leave now."

With that, everyone began to get up and leave, including myself.


I turned to see Ivan standing there, his iPad in his hand.

"Is everything okay, Ivan?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to let you know that she's gone to Pryzm. She's either a worker there or she's just going to have a good time tonight-"

"Actually, she's a worker. I interviewed her a couple weeks ago. Thank you again, Ivan. I'm gonna go check out her home address."

"No problem Boss."

Getting into the apartment was easy. I knew the owner of the building so I paid him to keep quiet about the situation before I used my skills to pick the lock on the door.

Once doing so, I went into the apartment and noticed how there weren't many personal items.

I shut the door behind me and looked through her mail, seeing her obviously fake name "Aurora Armas".

I looked around and went to her room, noticing a box of personal knickknacks.

I opened it to see a car keys to an Audi and a few crafting tools along with a locket that sat on her bed side table.

I walked back out of the room and went to her kitchen, seeing the familiar black envelope that the mafia ball invitations were sent in.

That's weird.

I opened it and took the invitation out, seeing the invitation in paper for the first time.

"Aurora Armas,  you have been invited to Italian Mafia's masquerade ball on behalf of Don Romeo Cortez.

Date: 27/12/21
Time of arrival: 7 pm
Please RSVP through the email address located at the bottom of this invitation."

I noticed that the paper was slightly peeling at the corner of her name.

I went back into her room and opened the box of knickknacks to grab the tweezers that I saw earlier.

Using it, I carefully peeled the paper away and read the name underneath it.

Lucía Cortez.

Before I could even react, I heard a gun cock behind me.

"Life's full of tough choices, isn't it Lorenzo? Now, why don't we have a chat... tesoro?"

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