b o n u s c h a p t e r

663 18 0

Lucía POV
"Ay, Elias slow down! You're going to hurt yourself." I scolded, shaking my head at my child.

Elias was our first child, and he was the spitting image of Lorenzo. With so much energy as a four year old, we had him running around the house constantly. He played many sports and had gotten into football with his father in our back garden.

He and his uncles, Oscar and Antonio, would play against one another in our home and the sight warmed my heart.

I was inside, reading over some paperwork that Lorenzo had brought back, whilst Lorenzo was at work.

Elias came up to me and sat beside me on the kitchen stool, asking me where Isadora was.

"She's sleeping Elias, let her rest. Do you want to go watch some TV?" I asked him.

He shook his head, "I want to sit with you Mama."

I pulled him into a side hug and gave his head a kiss, telling him he could stay here

He sat there and I gave him a paper and some pens to draw on.

Happily colouring, he stayed quiet and didn't cause any distractions as I continued to work.

The sudden sounds of crying caught my attention and I realised it was the baby monitor.

Isadora woke up, I thought.

"Elias, come let's go check on your sister."

He jumped out of his seat and took my hand as I lead him to the nursery, where Isadora was resting in her crib.

I picked her up and rested her head on my shoulder, slowly swaying with her in my arms to calm her down. I took a seat on the carpet floor and Elias came and sat beside me.

"Don't cry Isa." He whispered, shushing at her:

Gradually, I got her a little calmer but she was still crying. She was hungry. Just as I began to get her bottle ready, the sound of footsteps filled the house.

"¿Por qué llora mi mariposa?" Came a voice.

In walked Lorenzo, unbuttoning his coat suit as he spoke.

He lifted Isadora from her crib and lifted her into the air as he made a face at her.

"Why is my baby crying, huh?" He said, touching noses with her so she put on a smile.

"She's hungry." I told him, giving him a kiss on the cheek as he passed her over to me. He took the bottle from my hands as I got her in the right position in my arms.
"How was work?" I asked as I bottle fed Isa.

"Ay, the gun shipment still isn't here. It's not like I can fly to Mexico and go get it myself. It's not the easiest thing to deal with."

"Mmh of course." I agreed, cleaning up the milk around Isa's mouth with her bib.

Once I was done feeding her, Lorenzo offered to burp her whilst I finished up with the paper work he had left me.

"Amor, if it's easier for you to work without the distraction of the kids, we can hire a nanny." Lorenzo said, resting his chin on my shoulder as he came behind me.

"No, no it's fine. I don't want us to hire a nanny until we're ready to work full time. I don't want the kids to be left with someone other than their parents for their childhood. It's unfair to them."

"Okay, as you wish."

"I finished the paper work by the way," I said, handing him the file, "but the fine print says that any damage to the goods transferred from their  will cause fines. They want us to pay for anything that gets damaged that has come from them. It's stupid."

"I knew I couldn't trust those assholes." Lorenzo muttered, shaking his head. "I need a coffee, do you want one?"

"Yes please."

Once the coffee was made, Lorenzo and I took a seat on the sofa and turned the TV on. We went straight to the news channel, and watched as reports were made about some of the gang activity going on.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and he brought his arm around me.

"Only a few more years love, and you'll be back to fighting with me. Okay?"

I sighed, and nodded. "Okay."

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