n i n e t e e n

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Anastasia POV

"Javier, I- Oh. You're not Javier." I realised, stepping into the living room where Javier told me to wait.

"And you must be the girlfriend. I'm Lorenzo. You are?"

"I'm Anastasia, Javier's- well, you know. He hasn't told me much about you- he always said he would only introduce me when you were back in the country. It's good to meet you." I said, smiling at him despite my distaste.

"Yeah, it's good to finally meet the woman that has my closest friend wrapped around her finger."

I let out a genuine laugh, surprised at Lorenzo's words.

"Sorry I just- I'm quite surprised that Javier hasn't been tied down to someone in a long time." I said, playing along with the joke I never intended on making.

"Yeah well, he's never been tied down regardless so I see why you'd be surprised. He's a good guy, just treat him well."

Shame I'll be breaking his heart soon enough.

"I wouldn't forgive myself if I hurt him. I'll look after him, I promise."

"I'm glad. Come down with us, we're about to have dinner."

"I'll be there in a sec." I said, smiling sweetly at him.

[translation: bitch]

The second he left, I grabbed my phone and dialled the only number in my memory, holding it up to my ear as it began ringing.

"You didn't tell me that Lorenzo Martinez was back in the country." I hissed.

"God, it's not my fault. He's a hard man to track, and besides: you wanted be a bit more independent with his search, didn't you?"

"If you want your tongue cut off, I suggest you keep talking. I never said I wanted to be independent, I told you to stop bothering me when you know I'm on missions. Cука. Now do your job, before your salary gets cut off."

Paying this bitch with my family's money and she isn't doing the one job I asked of her properly.

I hung up on her before she could say anything, my patience wearing thin.

Taking a deep breath and collecting myself, I walked out of the living room and though the main room.

"Baby, come take a seat beside me," Javier said, pulling out the chair next to him, "Lorenzo, this is my girlfriend Anastasia."

"I met her actually- bumped into her in the living room. But yes, it's good to meet you. Again."

Laugther coursed through the dining room. The family smiled and introduced themselves to me one by one.

It wasn't even that funny.

I sat there smiling as truthfully as I could, knowing that this wouldn't last forever.
Lorenzo POV

Something felt off about the woman who was sitting at our dinner table. I couldn't tell what it was, but there was a feeling that she wasn't as great as she seemed.

I ignored the feeling and continued my conversation with Javier, talking about his girl and some other work.

Dinner was finished and we all pitched in to clean up, taking several dishes to the kitchen so they could be cleaned.

We stacked plates on top of one another and finished our glasses of various drinks before leaving the dining room and everyone taking their leave.

Anastasia and Javier said goodbye, Javier giving me one of our usual hugs and Anastasia kissing me on the cheek as she hugged me.

She did the same to Javier as well, but instead on the lips, as she explained how in her culture that was normal.

"Another day, Lorenzo." She said to me- the way she pronounced my name with a slight accent gave me the shivers.

There's something about her... it's just so familiar.

"Lorenzo? I just wanted to let you know that the remainder of invitations have been sent now. Hopefully everyone will answer in time." Don said, walking with me as we went to his office.

"That's great Don; if there's anything you need, please let me know. I'll be around."

I walked away after saying goodbye,  tired from the day I had been through.

Not much had happened but I still felt as though I needed a long time to sleep and relax.

Hopefully, it would start now.
Unknown POV

I shuffled through the heaps of mail that had been sent here.

Letters from my old job, some from my known colleagues.

A black envelope stood out in between them. I pulled it from the group and looked for who it was addressed to.

Lucía Cortez.

Hmm, I wonder who that is?

I couldn't open it, because that would be illegal so I just ignored it and placed it on the pile.

I went to the kitchen and began cooking something. I was very hungry and needed to eat.

I decided on a lasagna recipe and got out all the ingredients to start making it.

As I did so, I played some music.

Give me reasons we should be complete,
you should be with him, I can't compete...
you looked at me like i was someone else, oh well.

"Can't you see? I don't wanna slow dance..." I sang along.

In the dark...

I put the lasagna in the oven and switched the TV on after putting a timer on my phone.

The Fresh Prince theme was playing on the TV but I wasn't focused.

My mind kept wandering with other thought.

My family, my friends.

I wish I could see them, but I can't. I've been running for so long.

I've been to so many places in the years I've been on the run.

Mexico, New York, Italy, UK.

There are many areas of the world that I have visited on the run, but nowhere compares to Italy.

I thought about it every time I walked passed the houses, that maybe I would see them again.

But it's too risky.

A loud beeping sound caught my attention and I realised that my lasagna was finished.

I took it out of the oven and let it cool for a bit, using the time to change the show.

As much as I loved Will Smith, I needed a change for once.

I went through Netflix, holding my lasagna bowl in my hand as I searched for something to watch.

The red writing of "Rush Hour" caught my eye, and I ended up finishing my lasagna whilst laughing at the antics of Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan as the movie went on into the evening.

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