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Lorenzo POV
"Aurora?" I breathed out.

The cold metal of a gun barrel was pushed  harshly against the side of my forehead. She used it to push me, with quite some force, onto the bed.

I sat on the bed, looking up at Aurora as she held a gun to my head. I swallowed hard.

Her eyes flicked down to my Adam's apple, then back to my eyes.

"Actually, it's not Aurora. Surprised that you haven't realised who I actually am, mi amor."

"I fucking knew it. What the hell, Lucía?"

"I'm sorry, but I had to leave."

"Three years, Lucía. Three years I was alone, your family mourned because they thought they had lost you forever and what- here you were, travelling the world as you lived in Mexico and Italy. Yeah, that's right, I remember you from Mexico- Lauren."

She sighed.

"There's a lot to explain, Enzo. You have to promise you won't get angry at me." She explained, softly.

"No promises." I said quickly as I grabbed the gun and flipped it on her.


"Your mafia waited for their future leader. Your father and mother waited for their daughter. Your partner, waited for his girlfriend to come back. Your partner, as in me, became an alcoholic because of the mourning. Not going through acceptance. Not losing hope that you would ever come back yet here you are, standing in front of me like nothing happened.  That's what I've been through."

"I knew about Mozorov's daughter. I had to go into hiding because I knew she would come for me next, but I didn't think-"

"Exactly, you didn't think."

"-that she would come after you. I thought about my decision for weeks before it happened and I always had regrets. Lorenzo, come on. I needed a plan and I thought of one and this was the outcome. I'm here now, there's nothing else I can do. You know me, Enzo, and I wouldn't have done this if I didn't think it was a good idea."

"Clearly, I don't know you at all then." I huffed, putting the gun down after clicking the safety on.

I walked out of the room, rubbing my face as I grabbed a glass and filled it with water, gulping it down quickly before slamming the glass down.

"Lorenzo. Look at me." She said, her hand on top of mine as she tried to get me to turn around.

I pulled my hand away and turned, looking at her eyes as I noticed the sadness and tears.

"I am so, so sorry. Dios mio, you have no idea how hard it was for me to do this. Si, me hubiera quedado, habrías estado en mas peligro; por eso me fui."
[travsmation: If I stayed, you would've been in more danger; that's why i left.]

"Podríamos hablero trabajado juntos!!" I shouted back.
[translation: we could've worked through it together]

"Si estuviera aquí, estaría poniendo en peligro a toda la mafia, incluida mi familia! Ella no esta solo. Tiene un ejército de personas detrás de ella, junto con su asociado, Alexei. "

[translation: If I was here, I would be putting the entire mafia, including my family, in danger! She's not alone. She's got an army of people behind her, along with her associate Alexei.]

"How do you know that?" I asked her.

"I did research. The bartending job was a cover, I knew it was our mafia's club. I stole the glass she used the first time I met her when I saw Javier and Antonio at the club, and used the glass to get her prints. I have research that adds to the files you might have on her."

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