jiang cheng x wife!reader 🍇࿐

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▶ Requested by - @SOrtiz2020

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▶ Requested by - @SOrtiz2020

▶ Fluff :) 

▶ Female reader


"Ayi, it's good to see you." Jin Ling said in a formal tone and then bowed to her. His friends did the same. On the inside, however, both of them were freaking out mostly Lan Jingyi. They had never seen the stubborn and tsundere Jin act so... formal... and n-nice... to someone before. 

The women before them smiled softly. "A-Ling, its been so long since you've visited us." The female stood and walked over to them. Jin Ling stopped bowing and immediately hugged the women tightly. She was like a mother figure to her. 

[Y/N] had promised that if anything were to happen to either Jiang Yanli, her best friend, or Jin Zixuan that she and Jiang Cheng would help care for their son. 

[Y/N] smiled and hugged the teen. "I've missed you so much. You are almost all grown up." The two Lans stopped bowing and stood off to the side while the two talked for a bit. 

Lan Sizhui observed the women. She was dressed in the normal purple Yunmeng robes but hers were fancier than those of others. She was Madam Jiang for a reason. Her [H/C] hair was done in a fancy yet simple style. She could easily move around and fight in what she had on if needed but she also looked the part of a Clan Leaders wife. She had kind yet sharp [E/C] eyes. Those of a mothers and a fighters. 

"Your uncle is outside with the disciples, training them. Why don't you go and join him?" [Y/N] smiled softly, placing her hands on Jin Ling's shoulders. Jin Ling let out a huff. "But Ayi!" [Y/N] gave him a stern look. "You two really need to start getting along." She sighed, rolling her eyes playfully. 

'That seemed to run in the family.' Lan Jingyi deadpanned. 

"He threatens to break my legs!" 

"Look, you don't have to stay with him. Just spend some time with him while you're here. He may not show it but he misses you too." [Y/N] smiled. "After that, you can come inside and we can have lunch." 

"...Fine..." Jin Ling muttered, scowling. He crossed his arms over his chest in annoyance. [Y/N] smiled and lightly ruffled his hair. "Good, now run along. Oh and bring your friends with you. Maybe you could show them around, that would be fun." With that she walked off.

Jin Ling huffed. "Well?! Come on! I don't have all day!" The Lans hurried after the Jin who had set a brisk pace. 

Jin Ling, in fact, had all day. 


"Lunch!" [Y/N] yelled. All the disciples, the two Lans, Jin Ling, and Jiang Cheng jumped in fear. [Y/N] was one scary women when angered. Even scarier than Jiang Cheng himself. She was not one to be messed with. 

"You are done for the day! Make sure you practice and get plenty of rest! Tomorrow will be even harsher!" Jiang Cheng dismissed the disciples who were more than happy to leave. They thought Jiang Cheng was scary. Clearly they hadn't been around [Y/N] when she was angered. She could rival Madam Yu with her anger. 

"A-Cheng, A-Ling," She said sweetly. "Do invite the Lans, they didn't come here for nothing." She smiled while her gaze darkened. Jin Ling flinched and gestured quickly for the two Lans to hurry. Jiang Cheng pretended not to notice her warning looks and sat down. 

Jin Ling was the next to sit down. He sat across from his uncle and next to his aunt or where she would sit. Lan Jingyi was next who was already terrified of the women. Then came Lan Sizhui who was unaffected. He was adopted by Wei Wuxian and his uncle was a corpse. A shy one at that. What more could scare him? Nothing apparently. 

[Y/N] slowly started to pass out the bowls to everyone. The teens thanked her and Jiang Cheng nodded his head to her. 

"Thank you Ayi."

"Thank you Madam Jiang." 

"Thank you for the food, Madam Jiang." 

"Thank you A-[Y/N]." 

[Y/N] smiled and took her own seat. "I hope you enjoy, and please, no fighting." She shot Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling a look. 

Jin Ling looked down at his bowl sheepishly while Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes and continued to eat. 

They reminded her of Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng when they were younger. Always fighting over something so small. 

[Y/N] rolled her eyes. "Don't give me those looks. No fighting. We have guests." 

They gulped and nodded. 

Lan Sizhui smiled. "This is really good, Madam Jiang." 

"Aw, thank you! Your so sweet!" [Y/N] cooed. "You so much nicer than A-Ling! I want to adopt you!" 

"I'm sorry Madam Jiang, Hanguang Jun and Senior Wei have already adopted me." 

[Y/N] pouted. "Of course A-Xian already got the cute one.." 

"Ayi?!" Jin Ling cried. 

[Y/N] pouted and continued to eat. "Of course I get stuck with the stubborn child.. I want a child like Sizhui... He's so polite and respectful... He reminds me so much of Lan Xichen.." 




"W-what?!" Jiang Cheng choked. 


▶ I don't know if this is what you wanted but I came up with this 🤷

▶ I'll let you decided what happens next in your mind 😉🙈

▶ Hope you like it ^^ 

Completed : 8/28/2021

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