lan xichen x modern!reader 🍵࿐

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▶ Requested by - @mymisstina

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▶ Requested by - @mymisstina

▶ Fluff with maybe angst (probably not-)

▶ Female reader

▶ Setting - The reader comes from the modern world, something mysterious happens and somehow she wakes up in the Cloud Recesses. She explains everything to Lan Xichen and stays in the Cloud Recesses until she finds a way to go back to her world.

[Y/L] means your language because i do try to be inclusive


[Y/N] blinked her eyes open as she slowly sat up. Her eyes widened as she realized that she wasn't in her home.

She looked around widely only to see nothing familiar to her. But somehow... It was familiar to her.

Someone approached her. She stood quickly, a frightened look on her face.

The person approached and their eyes widened, holding his hands up in surrender. "Woah, I'm sorry if I frightened you.." He smiled slightly. "It's just.. I've never seen you around here before.." He tilted his head a little. "Are you lost?"

[Y/N] blinked. He didn't sound [Y/L] to her. He sounded more.. Chinese! Her eyes widened. She couldn't be! It-it wasn't possible!

"I-I... I.. I don't know how I got here.." She muttered, relaxing slightly. "I-I lied down to get some sleep.. Then when I opened my eyes.. I was here.."

He nodded and smiled gently. "Why don't you come back with me. We can get you something to eat, maybe some new clothes, and then we can figure out how to get you home." He held his hand out to her. [Y/N] hesitated before she placed her own hand into his.

"What's your name?"

"[Y/N]..." She tried to smile, still a bit shooken up about her predicament. "What's your name?" She had to confirm it.

He smiled gently as they walked back, hand in hand, along the pale dirt path. "Lan Xichen, it's nice to meet you Lady [Y/N]."

[Y/N]'s brain stopped working after that.

'H-how?! I-It couldn't be possible!!'

She walked behind him numbly, lost in her thoughts.


[Y/N] thanked the male as he handed her a cup of warm tea, the steam lightly floating out into the air. She had changed from her familiar clothes into a white and baby blue hanfu that Lan Xichen had gifted her. They were now seated in his own private study.

The [H/C] haired female still couldn't wrap her head around the fact that she was in the Cloud Recesses. She had no idea how she ended up in her favorite show. It wasn't possible. It denied all laws of science that she had ever learned about!

But she wasn't complaining. She was actually quite happy to be there. She pushed her worries and doubts to the back of her mind, choosing to ignore the feeling of being home sick, she hadn't even been their for a full day, and chose to focus on the warm feeling that spread through her like a wildfire. She would never admit it but she had grown quite the crush on a certain older Lan while she had watched the show over and over again.

"Do you want to explain? Further?" Lan Xichen finally spoke up, he was smiling like always but he looked... troubled..

So [Y/N] decided to tell the truth. She explained everything. And I mean everything. Well, almost. She left out the part about liking him. She didn't want to sound even more crazy and possibly risk the fact that he might, might, like her back.

Lan Xichen was silent for a long moment, simply sipping his tea slowly as he processed everything she just told him.

"Why..." He started. "Why don't you stay here for now, maybe you will find a way back to your time."

[Y/N] smiled at that. She could stay! "Thank you!"

He smiled. "I hope you enjoy your time here, Lady [Y/N]."


[Y/N] continued to stay in Gusu for a few months. She still had no way home and was slowly growing home sick. Sure, she loved Mo Dao Zu Shi and the world that it is along with all the characters, but she also loved her own world. And being around Lan Xichen wasn't helping her decision. She could have probably found a way home sooner but she just couldn't bring herself to leave him. She was slowly falling deeper and deeper in love with him as the days went by.

Lan Xichen couldn't help this feeling that bubbled up inside of him everytime he saw the [H/C] haired female. He soon realized that he was falling in love with her. But... He couldn't.. She was from a different time! It could never work. She had her own life in her own time and he his.. But.. She was already here, why not just... stay...?

Both Lan Xichen and [Y/N] soon found themselves falling deeper in love with each other and could do nothing about it.

"Why don't you stay here, forever?" Lan Xichen blurted one night. [Y/N] blinked, shocked. She didn't think he could be this blunt and straight forward. 'This wasn't.. canon...' She thought, [E/C] eyes wide.

"W-What..?" She stuttered.

Lan Xichen soon realized his mistake. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that. You have your own life back in your time." He started to walk away. [Y/N] couldn't do this anymore!

"W-Wait!" Her body acted without her thinking. She quickly grabbed his wrist, stopping him. He looked back at her, shocked. [Y/N] looked at him with a pleading look. "Sure I'm home sick but the one I love is here! P-please don't leave!" She confessed. "P-please don't leave me here alone!"


▶ Written on both a mix of my phone and school computer because my main computer decided to be a bitch and not work :')

▶ Kinda like a cliffhanger, and I'm not going to write a part 2 so don't ask. You can decide yourself how this one ends ;)

Completed : 9/4/21

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