CHAPTER 13: The Bad Child

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Some say I'm too sensitive but the truth is I just feel too much. Every word, every action, every energy goes straight to my heart. ~Anonymous

FLASHBACK (6 years ago)

"Mom I want to do modeling, why don't you understand," I said sounding annoyed. Why aren't they supporting me? They were so happy and supportive when Jane told them that she wanted to study law and work as my dad's personal company lawyer. I know I am not like their "perfect" daughter and that's because I am different. I want to become a model and all they want me to do is get married. Although I love Adriano I am 17 and he is just 20. Both of us are still very young. We need to live our lives and follow our dreams. Although he wants to work with his father in their family business and soon will take over his company 'THE BLACK EAGAL', one of the biggest clothing brands in the world. But this doesn't mean I want to do the same by taking over my dad's company.

I met Adriano through my dad. My dad and his dad were business partners and soon became close friends. I and Adri use to meet up whenever our fathers held their meetings. Soon our friendship turned into love. We were still young but very serious about our feelings towards each other and so we decided to confront our parents about it. Honestly, I was very scared and nervous about their reaction but was surprised when all of them accepted and were happy about it. Our fathers even said that this would profit both our companies. Although 'THE BLACK EAGAL' was a much bigger company than 'HERMAN AND CO.', there was no doubt that both the fashion clothing companies would get huge profit via this arrangement.

"You are going to get married soon Alice and we won't allow you to do modeling. This is not allowed in this family. You can do anything else like do a degree in business and take over the company or do law as your sister did." Mom replied, fed up of arguing with me but still not backing up.

"I don't want to do that mum. I am not Jane, and I don't want to do law and definitely don't want to take over the company. I want to do modeling." I wasn't going to step back.

"Alice, please understand, we are doing this for you" Dad replied.

"NO! You are doing this for you and not me. You even found a way to get profit from this wedding. You even used my love for Adriano for your business. You are selfish. All you think is about you and your company!" I shouted

"SHUT UP ALICE! Don't you dare talk to me like that! You are not going to do any sort of modeling. You are going to get married and then work with us in the company and if you don't want to do that you can happily become a housewife. I don't want to hear anything else from you. Nobody should talk about this again" My dad shouted back at me and then left.

At this point, I had tears in my eyes. They just don't wanna support me like they have supported Jane. Just because I want to do something different than her doesn't mean it is a low profession and shouldn't be "allowed". This isn't fair.

"Listen to your dad Alice. We are your parents and we want the best for you. Modeling isn't a good option baby. People do fraud and lure young girls into this profession, showing them dreams, giving them false hopes, and then using them for their own profit." My mom said politely trying to make me understand her point.

"Everyone isn't the same. There are valid modeling agencies too. Why do you always think of the worst?" I said with tears in my eyes but my voice was filled with anger.

"That's what parents do sweetheart. For us to make safe and right choices for our children, we need to think of the worst. Please understand sweetie and remove this thought from your mind. You should now go and sleep. It's already too late." She said, kissed me on the forehead, and left.

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