CHAPTER 21: Decadence

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She was brave, strong, and broken, all at once.
Not everybody needs sunshine and gentle winds to grow. Some of us grow best in darkness and raging storms. ~Anonymous.

"We need to create a trap to capture Caterina and Rafael," Daniel said after a long 3-hour discussion. We were planning on how to catch the devil, but all the ideas were rejected by Aunt, Max, and Adriano. I feel bad for Daniel. He and his team have been giving them suggestions for 3 hours now.

"What kind of trap?" Adriano asked Daniel.

"Don't get me wrong but I think this is the best and the most trustworthy option. No matter what we do, they will always be a step ahead of us. They are dangerous people and to bring them into our trap we need Alice" Aunt said.

"What the fuck! Are you out of your damn mind? I am not going to risk my Alie's life." Adriano shouted at aunt.

"I think she is right Adriano. This is the best and the only way. We know they'll definitely come once they find out anything related to Alice. I'll make sure of her safety. We won't just send Alice like that, we will first find them, follow them, know their moves, plan, and after we are a hundred percent sure about the outcomes, only then we'll send Alice." Daniel said.

Adriano looked at me, asking for my consent. I didn't know if this was a good idea or not but I am going to trust them. I trust Adriano more than myself and if he is ok with it, so am I. I nodded my head at him telling him I am ready for this. Am I?

"Okay. So what's the plan?" I asked them.

"He has been spotted in a club called "Decadence" every night. Where he is always drunk or drugged. Though he has security for himself it isn't too tight. That doesn't mean we should take any chances. We have to be prepared for any sort of attack. It is also estimated that the club is a hub for his crimes. It belongs to one of his friends who also works for him. Rafael doesn't have any property in his own name and so his name isn't mentioned in any of the government files. He also doesn't have a national id card, bank account or any other paperwork, or even any sort of identification card. Except for his birth certificate which also is registered by another name, which nobody knows and has no significance as the name was never officially used. So it is of no concern to us but because of this, he is almost unknown to the world. Our enemy is a very dangerous man and to add to our problem is almost unknown to the world. He has no identity. We are going to fight someone who is invisible to the world. We should always be on high alert" Daniel said.

We all nodded our heads in agreement. I was so shocked after Daniel's short speech on Rafael. I never knew anything about him so this was all new to me. This was going to be a hell of a mission. It scares the shit out of me. I can't face that monster. It is said we should always face our demons but how am I supposed to face a person who is worse than a monster, a demon. Who has made my life a living hell. Who has shown me every corner of hell? Who has made me wanna kill myself. Who has destroyed my life and given me scars I could never forget. Who has given me nightmares which have taken away my sleep. Who has destroyed everything I ever had, ever dreamt of. Who has used and abused me and who has killed my baby. I want him to rot in hell. I want him to get punished for all his deeds. I want him to feel every single emotion I felt, even worse. I want him to beg me for my forgiveness. I want justice. Justice for everything he has done to me. He needs to be punished because he isn't going to get redemption.

"So how should we catch him? We know where to find him Daniel but the question is, how? He is a very clever and dangerous man. How are we supposed to put a trap for him, and make sure he falls in that without letting him doubt anything?" Adriano asked.

"The club is quite famous. Not everyone knows that it is a hub for illegal activities. Common people usually visit that club. We know about the illegal activities because Daniel found out about them through his resources but if we were normal people wanting to go to a club on the weekends, this would be a good choice for us. It is filled with people almost every night, especially on weekends. So it wouldn't be shocking if we just go there to enjoy ourselves. We don't need a solid reason to go to a club. You people should go and visit the club.
Rafael won't be sitting in the main room. He would be having a separate place for himself. It would be located in such a way that he will be able to see everyone present there without them having been able to see him. He always remains in the shadows. It will not be hard for you guys to grab his attention. The main task is for you to find him." Max said.

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