CHAPTER 24: The Demon

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If you keep knocking on the Devil's Door, sooner or later he'll invite you in.

"So I hope the plan is clear to everyone?" Daniel said and everyone nodded.

We were creating a plan to catch Rafael and Caterina. Jane willingly came to help us. She had arranged a meeting with Rafael and Caterina to give them the rest of the money. We all are going to go with her and weave a trap to catch them. We will have to be very cautious with each and every step we take. Both of them are demons. They are clever and cruel. We need to be careful. Adriano told me not to come but I disagreed. I have to be there. It is my responsibility, not his. I want to see them go to jail. To get the punishment they deserve. I want them to repay for all their sins. I don't want them to get redemption.

We were again at the club 'Decadence'. They called Jane to meet them here. Today was Friday and so the club was overflowed with people. It was filled with sweaty bodies rubbing and grinding against each other on the dance floor. The smell of alcohol, cigarettes, and sweat filled the air and the music was too loud. It was giving me a headache. There was a time when I used to love going to clubs, loud music, and all but now all I want to do is puke.

Jane was sitting on one of the empty tables situated at the corner of the club. Usually, that was the seat where Rafael sat. We were all waiting for him to come. Everyone was prepared with their guns and blades. They all had their walkie-talkies and earpiece for communication. I and Adriano also had our earpieces. He had two guns with him and asked me to take one but due to my previous experience, I refused. The last time when he gave me the gun to hold, my hands started shaking and sweating so much that I feared what if I by mistake pulled the trigger and hit someone I shouldn't. I don't wanna hurt anyone, especially Adriano. We sat at the other corner of the room barely visible to anyone. The rest of them were scattered all around the room. There were about 20-30 of them and I was glad about that.

"Where is he?" I mumbled. It's been 2 hours but Rafael is nowhere to be found. I don't want this plan to fail. I want him to come and fall into our trap. We've already covered all the exits. There's no way for him to escape. But what if he doesn't come at all? No! He has to come. He wants money and he will definitely come to get money. He's a greedy pig. I sighed inwardly. All we can do is wait.

Shit! I suddenly have an urge to pee. It's been 3 hours and I've been sipping on the water for passing my time. Stupid! Why does it have to be right now? Why did you have to drink so much water? Everything is happening at the wrong time. Even my body is reacting all wrong. I sighed and looked at Adriano. He might have sensed me looking at him so he turned towards me and raised an eyebrow.

I cleared my throat awkwardly and almost shouted in his ears due to the loud music "I HAVE TO USE THE RESTROOM!"

He looked at me and shouted "WHAT?" He said.

I sighed and shouted again "I WANT TO USE THE RESTROOM," I said again.

He shook his head telling me that he didn't understand what I said. Ugh! What is going on? The music shouldn't be this loud. It's making my head ache and throat sore.

"I HAVE TO PEE" I shouted and this time he heard me. I blushed after saying this. It's natural though I can't help it. He nodded and informed Daniel that we will be going towards the washroom. Daniel replied with an okay and was about to send two more men behind us when I looked at Adriano and shook my head. That would be very awkward for me. Plus I have Adriano; I won't need those men following me towards the washroom. He nodded and told Daniel that it was not necessary.

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat