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Another lonnnngggggggg chapter ahead!!

Happy Reading!❤️


Aditya's Pov

My heart thumped vigorously as I took rushed steps to our room. The sullen-insecure look on her face that I witnessed a few hours kept flashing in front of my eyes. A plethora of unsettling emotions swirled my insides successfully messing up with my senses.

It's astounding to the core that how a single person's mood could affect the peace and contentment of the entire home.

It's maddening how restless it can make you.

It's terrifying how easily it could affect the serenity of your heart.

The home, the environment, the conversations, the people, the relationships suddenly start feeling alien and strange.

It just doesn't feel right. It just doesn't feel normal. It just doesn't feel whole.

After I reached back home from the office, I couldn't manage to have a minute of conversation with her, and her unusual silence at the dinner table made me feel even worse than I already was. And much to my dismay, after the dinner, Dad called me and Kunal to discuss the finances, thus adding even more delay in this whole conversation ordeal.

Though, my wife has been a pretty good actor till now, who contrary to her original nature has been perfectly dawning the role of an indifferent woman who's hardly affected by the people and their judgemental remarks.

As if I know her any less.

She has been effortlessly dodging any sort of eye contact with me as if fearing that I would elicit a conversation even if our eyes met.

Twisting the doorknob, I entered our room in a haste only to witness her all covered up in the blanket with her breathing soft and rhythmic.

She's asleep? So soon? Without even waiting for me?

Making no attempt to move, I kept standing there so as to ensure that she's sound asleep and kept waiting patiently for any movement from her side that would indicate she's awake.

A few seconds later, a defeated sigh escaped my throat when I witnessed none. Hence, silently yet half-heartedly, I walked to the washroom to freshen up.


Riya's Pov

Carefully, I withdrew the covers off my face as soon as the sound of the washroom door shutting fell into my ears.

I fear facing him.

There are times when your mind is so full and your heart is so heavy that conversations terrify you, concern scares you, and help inferiorize you. And unfortunately, this constant conflict to disclose or not disclose your hidden vulnerabilities is petrifying.

There's this endless struggle to cry or act strong, logically think or get emotionally drawn, to look at the positives or highlight the negatives, to let confidence overpower you, or to make these irrational inferiority-complexes and self-doubts win again.

Have I shown him that I am wide awake, I knew he would have managed to unleash my current feelings, and I wasn't ready for it.

I wasn't prepared to let him know how badly these remarks affect me, how sensitive the topic of my appearance is, how conscious it makes me feel about myself, how madly disturbing these comments are, and how inferior does it make me feel every damn time.

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