53 | Smouldering Seduction

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Riya's Pov

As I stepped outside the threshold of our home, my gaze lingered over the dusk settled upon the neighborhood. A gush of cool air engulfed me, dousing my skin in a liberating wave of serenity. The streets came alive and a smile formed my lips witnessing the sky transform into a canvas of vivid hues, enchanting the streets with a myriad of blending shades.

A symphony of distant laughter, playful giggles, faint murmurs, and twittering birds fell into my ears, punctuating the silence with an appeasing cadence. The eclectic scenes and stories of people around brimmed the air with comfort and contentment.

Despite the regular day it was, it gave away the beautiful reality of life, to search for calm amidst the juxtaposition of chaos, to be able to find small joys even at the threshold of our homes.

"Out of all the days, Aditya has to have this meeting today." My mother-in-law scoffed, the hint of disappointment palpable in her tone.

I giggled sneakily, my mind tracing the wild imagination of Aditya's terrified face had he been here to witness the scene of his mother's berating.

She shook her head, still annoyed at her son's blatant declaration of his inability to reach for his uncle and aunt's 25th wedding anniversary.

Mrs. Laptop, you are taking my husband's time way too much these days. See, your mother-in-law is angry now.

"Do give our best wishes to Maamu and Maami." I smiled softly and bent forward, taking the elders' blessings.

"Pakka." She beamed, patting my head fondly.

"Aur haan, do check the gas, lock the main door, and shut the kitchen windows before sleeping, Okay? Because Aditya doesn't remember anything unless it is related to his work." She instructed, grimacing at the last part.

I struggled to contain my chuckle at the vivacity of her expressions.

Trust mothers to bring up your phone usage and working habits in every random statement.

"Hanji." I assured them with a smile, adjusting her golden zari work dupatta by draping it properly on her side.

Seconds later, the car was bought to life as Kunal revved the engine, sitting in the driver's seat. Isha was quick to follow after she gave her face a quick and proud once through the car's window shield.

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