"The Assassin Who Defeated The Top Student"

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Alice: Why can't I hit him?!

Iruma: (Stay calm! Stay calm!)


Karasuma: Okay, today you'll be learning how to dodge. Iruma, can you come over here please.

Iruma: R-Right.

Karasuma: Attack is very important. But it's also important to know how your target moves.

[Karasuma tries to attack multiple times at Iruma but keeps missing]

Irina: The boy has a natural talent for dodging. He can be pretty terrible when it comes to attacking, but his dodging skill is truly his highest skill.

Koro-Sensei: Indeed, but even so, every talent has it's limits.

[Karasuma manages to hit Iruma after he gets blocked by the nearby trees]

Karasuma: Well done Iruma.

Iruma: Thank you Mr. Karasuma.

Karasuma: However, ai noticed the panic as we fought. When you dodge you need to also stay focus and calm, so you can scan what to avoid, Keep that in mind the next time we spar.

Iruma: Yes sir.

[End of Flashback]

Alice: I'll just attack you using martial arts.

[Alice charges at Iruma as he blocks him to the side]

Alice: What?!


Karasuma: May I have a word with you, Iruma?

Iruma: Sure sir.

Karasuma: How far does your dodging skill go?

Iruma: I'm sorry, I don't understand the question.

Karasuma: Have you learned self defense in the past?

Iruma: No

Karasuma: Then I'll help you with that. Learning to block and perry attacks is just the same as dodging so I'm sure you'll learn fast. After that, we'll go back to gun training.

Iruma: (*looks down*) But sir I don't know...

Karasuma: You think you can't because you only ever tried the knife, but you're dodging is also a sign that you have a sharp eyes. We just need to train a bit.

Karasuma: (*Karasuma pats Iruma's shoulder*) Can I count on you, Iruma?

Iruma: (*Iruma is surprised, then smiles*) Yeah, of course.

[End of Flashback]

Iruma: (*sees Alice about to hit Eiko*) Oh no, look out!

[Tries to grab Alice but is about to fall]

Iruma: Oh no, we'll fall-!


Dali: If it works, you won't be able to trip or fall the entire day.

[End of Flashback]

[Iruma did a German Suplex on Alice]

Iruma: I'm so dead...

To Be Continued...

Iruma, The Assassin (On Haitus)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant