"The Demon Teacher and His Assassin Student"

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Iruma: (*barely conscious enough to see who caught him*) Purple? Is that... Professor Kalego? I can't... move... (*falls asleep*)

[Timeskip after Kirio is arrested]

Kalego: ...

Dali: You're not coming, Kalego?

Kalego: I'll be over there in a moment. I need to speak with the Chairdemon.

[Kalego goes upstairs to see Sullivan with Iruma]

Sullivan: Kalego, I'd like to thank you again for looking after my precious grandson. Hm? Is something wrong? You seem troubled.

Kalego: For how long... For how long has your grandson lived his life without wings?

Sullivan: ...For his entire life.

[Kalego flashes back to the flying race]

Kalego: That... That could have been information you should have mentioned to the other teachers beforehand! What if I didn't make it there in time! He could have died if I didn't rush in to grab him!

Sullivan: Kalego, I kept this information as social security towards Iruma. A long time ago, my daughter that I barely knew existed died giving birth to him and her husband abandoned him when he found out about Iruma having no wings. I took him in after looking around to adopt grandkids and realized halfway he was my biological grandson. He is from my bloodline, and should demons hear that the grandson of Lord Sullivan is wingless he would be in more danger. So I took him under my wing and protected him from the outside world for so long.

Kalego: That explains a lot of his hesitant behaviour and why his knowledge of the Netherworld is so limited.

Sullivan: Iruma himself wanted to make the first step of going to school here so I did, but I told him to keep his mouth shut about his origins and disability so he wouldn't be looked down on.

Kalego: Does anyone else know this?

Sullivan: Only you that I know of. I'm not sure if Iruma told his classmates but I don't think so.

Kalego: This is such a pain...

Sullivan: I'd like to ask you a favor Kalego. Should me or Opera be unable to protect Iruma for any reason, I want you to be there when he has no one else to turn to.

Kalego: Well it is a teacher's duty to protect their students-.

Sullivan: Not as just a teacher, Kalego, but as a guardian.

Kalego: ...What are you trying to say?

Sullivan: I'm his only legal guardian left, and while it is unlikely that me or Opera would ever go down so easily it would be best to have someone on the backside who is aware of Iruma's conditions. So what I'm asking is to fight to become Iruma's adoptive father, should the situation arise.

Kalego: Are you crazy?!

Sullivan: Not my craziest if you ask me~.

Kalego: There is no way I'm becoming your grandson's father! I can't-!

Sullivan: But I know you would never abandon a student. Never. It's the one thing that made you different from the other teachers here in Babylus over the years. And I know you won't abandon Iruma.

Kalego: Tch... Well it's not like it would happen anyway... and Iruma isn't the worst student I had. The familiar thing was a unintentional fluke so I can't completely hate the kid... God dammit! Fine!

Sullivan: (*hugs Kalego*) Yay! Thank you Kalego~

Kalego: (*irritated*) Get off me!

[Kalego is about to walk away until Sullivan stops him]

Sullivan: One more thing Kalego. Keep what you know here and with Iruma a secret. It would be for the best that no one found out.

Kalego: ...Agreed.

To Be Continued...

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