"The Assassin Who Would Be Blood Adopted (Later On)"

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(Note: To those who don't know where in the timeline this is, this after the Demdol Games but before Iruma's friends join in for the party, so like around the morning.)

Sullivan: I gathered you all here today for a very serious family discussion.

[Sullivan the pulls out a banner]

Sullivan: Today we'll discuss who who would be the favorite adoptive family guardian out of the three of you!

Kalego: Just because I agreed to your promise, doesn't mean we are family. This is ridiculous I have better things to do than this!

Sullivan: Oh no you don't, my adorable stubborn son~ Iruma told us about you calling yourself his father after the music festival, so that technically makes us family~

Kalego: What?!

Opera: You did tell him he wasn't allowed to speak to his classmates about it, none of that says he can't tell us.

Kalego: (Then it's my fault for not specifying...)

Balam: Isn't that good, Kalego? That means he'll more likely accept being adopted by you then most of us.

Kalego: (*looks away*) I doubt that. I mean yes, he sees me as a father but you are the nicer one out of the three of us and Bachinko would just make Iruma into a butler.

Bachinko: I would not!

Kalego: Yes, you would. And besides Shichiro, he trusted you first with his origins after he just met you, isn't he more likely to ask you first before me? If anything, your more of the father than a uncle, compared to the three of us.

Balam: From how our meeting went and the confession, it was more of a accident. And while I wouldn't mind being a father, staying as the uncle fits me just fine. He does talk about you with me a lot, you know. Next to the topic of his life in the Assassination Classroom and his time with his friends.

Kalego: He does?

Balam: Of course, you are always one of the main topics he talks about! Be it scary or not.

Bachinko: He's right you know. Even in practice before I even knew he was human, he would talk a little bit about you.

Opera: You are quite a popular topic.

Kalego: S-Surely he talks about other people and not just me, right?

Balam: (*imitating Iruma's voice*) Hey Professor Balam, can you tell me more about Professor Kalego in his old school days? Wha-? Professor Kalego is so amazing!

Bachinko: (*imitating Iruma's voice*) Oh, Professor Kalego teaches me piano, and despite the strict lessons, he's really great! Yeah I'm serious!

Kalego: Guys please stop...

Sullivan: (*imitating Iruma's voice*) Grandpa, what should I give to Professor Kalego as a gift? Oh wow, I didn't know he liked cacti. Can you show me around town where I can find some?

Kalego: So that's how he found out about that.

Kalego: (Hmmm... then perhaps there is a better way to secure Iruma's safety-.)

Opera: (*imitating Iruma's voice*) How did you and Professor Kalego meet? These are his school pictures? He looks so cool!


Opera: Of course I still have. You told me to delete them, but I already kept extras in a album already by that time.

Kalego: Why I oughta-!

[Iruma walks in, closes the door and turns around to see Sullivan and Opera with Kalego, Balam and Bachinko]

Iruma: G-Good morning! W-What is everyone doing here?

Opera: Good morning, Master Iruma. We were here discussing about your father.

Iruma: Gah! Opera, I told you to lay low on that!

Opera: I did, but telling Lord Sullivan about what you tell me is part of my job so...

Sullivan: I told everyone here about it.

Iruma: (*looks to Kalego*) Sorry...

Kalego: Well... it was gonna happen at some point, might as well be early and get it over with.

Iruma: W-What else did you guys say about me?

Balam: That you like talking about Professor Kalego with him being a good father.

Bachinko: And that he may as well adopt you now.

Kalego: That last part didn't happen yet!

Sullivan: Yet. But you would adopt him at some point, right?

Iruma: Huh?

Sullivan: You see Iruma, I asked Kalego a favor back at the Battler Party. Me and Opera maybe a demon but even we can kick the bucket before you would. And with Demon Border Control still in suspect of me, there is a chance I might lose you. So Kalego-.

Kalego: So I agreed to adopt you as my son should that situation happen, with Balam and Bachinko agreeing to it too. But after some thought today... I think adoption isn't going to work out as well as you think.

Iruma: O-Oh...

Kalego: It's not your a bad kid, Iruma. I mean, if I merely adopt you, then history would repeat itself. I might get the same problems as Sullivan and have Demon Border Control suspecting me and they would take you away. So Sullivan, by your permission, I would like to request Iruma to be blood adopted by me by the end of his first year, I would need some time to prepare it.


Kalego: I'm very serious.

Bachinko: You could kill yourself and the kid if you do that! Let alone, we don't even know how blood adoption would even work on a mere human.

Kalego: It's a risk that I'll take full responsibility for. It's better than worrying when Iruma would be taken away back to Earth so suddenly. If Iruma wants to stay here, he has to have something that will protect his identity.

Opera: Kalego, even if it does work, your life will be very short by demon standards. By doing this, you are essentially giving away half of your life and bloodline magic to Iruma. Sure Iruma would bee able to live a proper demon lifespan, but he still won't have wings, horns or tail. Are you willing to risk your own reputation for him?

Kalego: ...Yes.

Iruma: (*tearing up in joy*) P-Professor...

[Everyone except Kalego was shocked to see Iruma crying]

Kalego: (*pats Iruma's head*) What did I say about crying?

Iruma: (*wipes his tears and smiles*) S-Sorry and thank you.

Sullivan: (My grandson never cried tears of joy infront of anyone. To think Kalego was the one who Iruma would open himself like this is truely spectacular. And from the looks of it, it wasn't the first time.)

Sullivan: (*chuckles*) I knew asking you was the right call. Alright then, by the end of his first year, I give you my support and permission to make a blood adoption with him.

To Be Continued...

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