"The Assassin's Perks & Consequences" (Part 2)

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Iruma: (*his magic spiralling out of control*) Calm down...!

[Flashbacks to all of Iruma's days in the Human Realm & his Assassination Classroom Days]

Iruma: (*his magic growing more and more intense*) I need... to calm down!

Kalego: (*seeing the damage the rising magic is doing to Iruma right now as he's trying to use his own magic to restrain him*) Just hang on a little longer!

Balam: (*barges out of the door holding another golden ring*) KALEGO I'M HERE! I HAVE IT!

Kalego: Alright, hand it here! (*gets the ring from Balam*) Iruma, listen to me! I need you to hold down your magic as hard as you can, just enough for me to place this ring on you.

Iruma: F-Father...


Koro-Sensei: Iruma, you have a lot of tolerance. Your dodging. Your endurance. Your determination. Those are your strengths. You may not be the smartest or the most capable in a fight but I can assure you, your well enough to be able to leave any problem conflict without fail.

Iruma: Thank you so much sir.

Koro-Sensei: If I give you any advice it would be this, if you are ever backed into a corner where you unable to leave the problem, keep yourself calm, be positive, and when your doubts are cleared it will create a pathway to help you face it head on.

[Flashback ends]

Iruma: (Think positively... calm down... create the pathway to help me face this head on!) (*magic starts to calm down a little*)

Kalego: Good Iruma, let me just place this here and-. (*places the ring onto Iruma and the magic flows back into Iruma*) That should do it.

Iruma: ...What is this, Father?

Kalego: That is a remodeled version of the Gluttonous Feeder Ring.

Iruma: Remodeled how exactly?

Balam: They were originally from the broken pieces from the old ring. It may not have that little demon that originally lives inside the ring, but the stone itself still works to store extra magic. We were going to give to you after your return to school but...

Iruma: It's okay, thank you Uncle Balam.

Kalego: Iruma... about your new bloodline abilities... while this probably gives you the upper hand in a lot of situations, it would be best to keep it in a low profile and-.

Iruma: I understand, Father. It would be cause problems if they find out our ritual gave me multiple ability bloodlines. I'll try to keep quiet about this except...

Kalego: Except?

Iruma: I need to learn how to use these bloodline abilities so with that in mind... I'm going to tell them. Everyone who was associated with the ritual, I'm going to tell them about the upgrade I have... I'm going to tell them the reason for my blood adoption... I'm gonna tell them... I'm human and how I got to the netherworld. That way I have nothing left to hide so we have more helping hands.

Kalego: Iruma-.

Iruma: They deserve to know, Father. If they were willing to help with the ritual then they are more than able to help keep a secret.

To Be Continued...

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