"How Demons Don't Know The Concept Of Guns Yet Have Gunpowder"

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Iruma: Opera?

Opera: Yes Master Iruma?

Iruma: Why don't demons know about guns but have gunpowder? I know I made fireworks and my friend were unaware of the concept, which that made sense, but why not guns itself?

Opera: Well actually we only ever used gunpowder for cannonballs or explosives in the old days during wars for territory. Nowadays it's used to help with construction demolition and mining work. Before it was calls Sparkboom, I genuinely forgot who actually changed the name to gunpowder like how your world calls it but I think... Lord Sullivan?

[Sullivan appears in his round shape form]

Sullivan: Ya-ho Iruma, grandpa is here! You called Opera?

Opera: Who is the one who renamed SparkBoom powder to gunpowder?

Sullivan: Oh that was the Demon King Delkira himself.

Iruma: Eh?

Opera: Well there you have it.

Sullivan: (He was always fascinated with other cultures and earth itself that he tried to mix the cultures together a little... even as silly as changing a name of a product...)

[Sullivan flashback]

Delkira: Sully, we have something similar to Earth's gunpowder, right?

Sullivan: You mean Sparkboom?

Delkira: That's a lame name. I say we rename it to gunpowder!

Sullivan: Is that really necessary, Master? They don't even know the concept of guns.

Delkira: Ah come on Sully, no demon is gonna care about it, besides I'm Demon King, I can do whatever I want and I like the name humans gave it.

[End of Flashback]

Sullivan: (You would have liked my grandson too, Master...)

To Be Continued...

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