"The Second Time The Assassin Had His Secret Revealed"

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[Timeskip after the Harvest Festival and Kalego is observing the cameras' recordings that weren't shown on the student's screens to take notes about his students and the intruders]

Dali: Kalego, it's late, almost everyone is gone. You know you're suppose to be checking those recordings tomorrow, right. You should go home for the day.

Kalego: I'm almost done, don't bother me.

Dali: Well okay then, have a good night Kalego.

[Dali leaves]

Kalego: Overall, a lot of them did exceed my expectations.

[Kalego sees a video with Iruma and Nafra]

Kalego: Hm... this was when Iruma disappeared right?

[Kalego then clicks the video]

Iruma (video): Let's go!

[Iruma walks down until he suddenly stops shocked with Nafra looking confused]

Iruma (Video) : Why? No, wait! How did you get here?! It's the demon world!

Kalego: What? Why is he talking like this?

[Iruma moves backwards as if in fear and falls down as Nafra calls for him]

Kalego: Shit! Is that what happened?! Was probably Orobas' ability. But still-! Why didn't he say anything?! I told him-!

[Kalego accidentally clicks the next video]

Iruma (Video): Where am I? I remember meeting my mom and dad, and then I fell... Ow!

Kalego: Wait, Iruma's parents? But he asked why they were in the demon realm. Is his family not from the Netherworld? But he's suppose to be a demon too, right?

Iruma (Video): Azz!? Clara!? Why are you-? Did you also fall...?

Kalego: He's still hit with Trauma... he must be seeing Asmodeus and Valac right now.

Iruma (Video): K-Koro-Sensei? Professor Bitch? Mr. Karasuma? Why-? I... No I just-!

Kalego: He had teachers before Babylus? But didn't he say-?

Iruma (Video): (*shocked*) Eh. That wasn't...! Please, wait! You're wro-. Ngh! G-Grandpa! Opera! Grand-! Ugh!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!

[Kalego is shocked by Iruma's despaired face as the boy started to cry]

Iruma (Video): (*crying in tears*) I'm lonely... No... Please... Don't leave me behind...

Kalego: (*looks at Iruma in a bit of worry*) Never... Never in my life have I seen anyone in this low vulnerable state before...

[Iruma summons his bow while he's still crying]


[Iruma shoots so powerfully]

Iruma (Video): I will live in the Netherworld.

Kalego: Wait... Where did he live before coming here? Was Lord Sullivan lying about Iruma's origins? But then what is-?

Iruma (Video): And then, I can prove that I can stand by everyone, even if I'm human. It's my big chance.

Kalego: W-Wait... did he just say... that he's...

Iruma (Video): B-Because I'm human... The festival shows who the strongest demon is... so I'm gonna win this!

[Balam walks in]

Balam: Kalego, you're still here?

[Kalego suddenly closes the video tab]

Kalego: Gah! Shichiro! Don't sneak up on me like that?

Balam: Well it was late, and I saw the light still on here. So I thought we could go home together.

[Kalego looks at the screen and then back to Balam]

Kalego: You can wait outside, I'll be out in a minute.

Balam: Sure okay.

[Balam leaves and Kalego looks the two videos about Iruma, stares at it for a good moment then deletes it]

Kalego: The careless brat and the Chairdemon owes me for this favor later with a god damn explanation...

Balam: You done?

[Turns off the screen]

Kalego: Yes, let's go.

To Be Continued...

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