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(Note: Takes place literally a day after the last chapter.)

Soi: I have a confession to make.

Iruma: I'm sorry, I can't return your feelings, Soi.

Soi: Wha-? No! This isn't a love confession!

Iruma: W-Well I thought with the way you texted and wanting to be alone-.

Soi: I know your human, Iruma. I've known about this since you first told Balam, so around Finals.

Iruma: F-For that long... you knew... D-Did you...?

Soi: I haven't told anyone. Like Balam said, your a rare species. And if you were taken away, the class would get boring without you. And I certainly don't want Azz or Clara let alone the Principal on my head for even looking like the bad guy towards their Iruma.

Iruma: Then... why wait so long to tell me?

Soi: Well at first I wasn't exactly... close with you. Then the whole Music Festival happened, and I've been... I've been trying to find the right words to tell you the truth properly.

Iruma: Soi...

Soi: Which is why when I overheard Dali trying to figure you out about the incident with you and the Harvest Festival, I had to get him off those tracks since the class started to curiously worry about you... It was then I realized I had to tell you now so I can protect you better.

Iruma: So you... don't care that I'm human?

Soi: Of course I don't care that your human-. GAH!

Iruma: I'm... so glad!

Soi: Geez okay Iruma, you're kinda wrapping me too tightly.

Iruma: Sorry!

Soi: So... when are you gonna tell the rest of The Misfit Class?

Iruma: ...

Soi: You... You aren't going to tell them at all, are you?

Iruma: Soi... I just... I just can't.

Soi: But why, no doubt your soulmates wouldn't care if your human, and everyone else in the class would be just the same. They would keep a secret and protect you just as good as me if not better. I haven't said anything to them because it's not my place to tell them that big of a secret and it's best if you confronted them with such a big reveal.

Iruma: And... what if they... What if they reject me because they feel like I lied to them about my true origin... What if... they don't feel the same way as you believe them to be... What if...

Soi: Enough. Iruma... look at me. Azz and Clara would follow you through hell and back no matter what. Sabnock would praise you as a rival as normal. Lied and Jazz would feel a extra older brother vibe of protection towards you. Picero, wouldn't care and just fall asleep. Kerori, Elizabetta and Goemon would be sweet and supportive. Schneider would be studying you similar to how Balam does it. Even Kamui would be okay with you. I'm okay with you. So if you told them, I promise you it would be okay.

Iruma: R-Right... of course.

Soi: But... if you still feel like your not ready, then that's okay... just promise me you'll tell them at some point.

Iruma: ...Okay, I promise.

To Be Continued...

Iruma, The Assassin (On Haitus)Where stories live. Discover now