"Where Are You, Iruma-Kun?" (Side Story) (Ch.1)

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Chapter 1: "The Disappearance Of Iruma-Kun" (Part 1)

Karasuma: (*knocks on Suzuki Family door while holding some papers, and gets a answer from Iruma's Father*) Excuse me, I'd like to speak with both you and your wife about your son, Iruma.

Mr. Suzuki: Is there a problem, sir?

Karasuma: Yes. I will be taking full custody over Iruma, and need you to come with me for further investigations on evidence that you have been putting your son through child labor, threw him into the wilds and even kept you son away in absence from the educational system making you unqualified to handle caring a child.

Mr. Suzuki: Well even if you arrest us now, you wouldn't have custody over him anyway.

Karasuma: And why's that?

Mr. Suzuki: He is no longer here. He doesn't live with us anymore.

Karasuma: What?

Mrs. Suzuki: (*walks in*) Oh but he's not dead. At least, I think he isn't. We gave his full custody to another in exchange for wealth.

Karasuma: (*infuriated*) YOU SOLD YOUR OWN SON?!

Mr. Suzuki: Sold is such a strong word-.

Karasuma: (*grabs Iruma's Father by the collar*) Where is he?!

Mrs. Suzuki: That's the one thing we can't tell you. We are quite literally promised him we wouldn't ever consider him our son, let alone speak his name or tell you who the guy that took Iruma is otherwise the contract would be violated.

Karasuma: Alright this is far more of a problem than I thought, you're all under arrest and have a right to remain silent. (*puts cuffs on Iruma's Parents*)

Karasuma: (*looks at the Suzuki Family House*) (Contract huh? Let's see what the Suzuki Family has to hide.)

To Be Continued...

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