"How The Assassin Got Away From Marriage"

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Kalego: (*reading a book about blood adoptions while drinking tea*) Hm...

Bachinko: (*kicks down Kalego's door*) YO!

Kalego: (*sighs*) What is it now?

Bachinko: Have you seen Iruma, I need to borrow him!

Kalego: Why?

Bachinko: Cause he's idiot that got my family involved!

Kalego: What did my son do this time?

Bachinko: No! I mean from before! With the whole Evildol Games as Irumi and the whole bow thing!

Kalego: Oh that. I thought you were okay with it. (*sips into his tea cup*)

Bachinko: Me yes! But the President wanting to have Irumi marry into my family is not part of that!

Kalego: (*spits his tea out*) EXCUSE ME?!

Bachinko: Yes! Now I need Iruma to get himself out of this mess!

Kalego: Hm... I got an idea. I'll go get Iruma and Soi.

Bachinko: Soi? Who's that?

Kalego: He's my student, and good boy at keeping secrets. Well for serious secrets.

Bachinko: ...He knows Iruma's human, doesn't he?

Kalego: Yes, according to Iruma from a few days ago. He knew just about the same time he told Balam. He just kept his mouth shut until now.

Bachinko: Okay but what are we gonna do?

Kalego: If Irumi is exposed as a boy, it will throw down his reputation to the entire Netherworld. So telling your family Irumi is a boy isn't an option. And I won't allow my son to be forced into marriage to that newbie Robin. So the only logical option is to have Soi play off as Irumi's partner.

Bachinko: Isn't the Purson Family strict though? How would-?

Kalego: What's one more secret identity gonna hurt.

Bachinko: You wouldn't...

Kalego: I would.


Soi: (*in a dress with long white hair*) ...Why?

Kalego: You agreed to help Iruma, take pride in that choice.

Soi: (*sighs*) But why am I in a dress? And where did you get this anyway?

Kalego: Silence. It's so the chances of female-male marriages are off the table at least and you definitely don't want your family involved in this shenanigans so hiding your identity is essential. And you don't need to know where I got the dress.

Iruma: (*dressed as Irumi*) I'm so sorry Soi...

Soi: No worries, let's just get this over with.

Kalego: I'll be in a safe distance, good luck Bachinko.

Bachinko: I just hope this works...


President Barbatos: You're Irumi of Devimuse, am I correct?

Iruma: Yes sir.

President Barbatos: And who's this young lady?

Soi: I'm Solly, Irumi's girlfriend.

President Barbatos: Girlfriend?

Iruma: Yes, you see after the Evildol Games I met Solly during Deviler and we bonded and we started dating after. I wanted to keep my relationship with Solly out of the public eye so it was never announced. Forgive me, while I appreciate the proposal to be a part of your family, I will not chose anyone else but Solly.

Soi: (He's really good at acting weirdly enough.)

President Barbatos: Hm... may I ask you one question, Ms. Irumi?

Iruma: Yes?

President Barbatos: Which family do you hail from? I'd like to meet with them personally.

Iruma, Soi & Bachinko: (Shit!)

Bachinko: (He can't say he's from Sullivan's or Kalego's families! And he certainly can't say he's alone!)

Soi: (Iruma...)

Iruma: (Think! Come on! There has to be something! Wait-!)

Kerori (Flashback): It's important for a Demdol to remain hidden of their information this includes family information and personal life. Security is always essential to this type of work as per contract.

Iruma: (*takes a breath then looks up at the President*) I'm sorry sir, but as a a Demdol of Devimuse, my personal information is to be remain a secret as per contract and part of my security.

Soi: (Well said.)

President Barbatos: Yes I suppose that's true. Very well then, you may leave. However, if you two ever break up, the offer still stands.

Iruma: Thank you.


Bachinko: Well done, Iruma!

Soi: Thank god it's over.

Kalego: You've done well.

Iruma: Thanks guys.

Bachinko: But you better bloody promise to never show your bow on live television, you got that!

Iruma: Yes ma'am!

Bachinko: Good! Now come on you two, it's late so call your families, I'm going to buy you some dinner, Kalego's treat of course!

Kalego: I didn't agree to this!

To Be Continued...

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