
401 17 13

Enjoy this parttt.. I made it when I was sick but it's all good :)


Alcrais P.O.V

This asshole really take me ice skating for our first date and my ass has never tried to ice skate, not even once. I'm really gonna be suck at this. He insisted on guiding me and holding me while I learn with him.

"Alright bae, take my hands!", He instructed when I finished tying down the shoes. I get up holding both of his hands tight to mine. We enter the icy ring and I can feel it's getting slippery now. Fuck I don't want to fall. "Don't worry I won't go anywhere!", He assured.

"You better be! I don't want to fall on my ass, Raf!", I retorted still being close to him, he chuckles a little at that.

"Alright, now we're gonna slide slowly okay?", I nodded helplessly at that. He starts to move backwards guiding me moving forward with him. I gulped when I feel me moving through the ice. "Muy Bien, Bae!", I hear him praised me.

"Shut up!", I muttered as I feel my cheeks blushing at that. We then starts to do maneuver around the ice ring, slowly but surely. I can feel me getting used to the slippery ice by the amount of time we spent on it.

"See! You're getting it!", I hear him exclaimed. He then let go one of his hand and now I hold on to his left hand. He's now besides me. "Okay let's try that again, this time with one hand!", He said.

I gulped then we start moving together in sync, we go from the outskirts of the ring to the middle and back to the outskirts. I noticed that there's no many people around us which is a good thing since it's a bit embarrassing seeing a grown guy sucks at ice skating.

"Alright now, let's try without you holding me!", And I groaned at that. "C'mon bae, you can do it!", he gives me a reassuring smile and starts to let go of me and now I'm trying to balance my body without any help of Rafael.

"See you're doing great!"

A moment later I feel me losing my balance and feel my self falling, "Ah my God!", I screamed closing my eyes but I never feel any pain from falling. I open my eyes to see Rafael's brown eyes staring intensely at me.

"Told ya, won't let you fall and hurt!", he smirks and I sigh in relief that Rafael managed to keep me from falling to the ice. I just realized that we're so close to each other, staring eyes to eyes.

I feel Rafael's hands moving lower to my butt and pull me closer to him.

"You look incredibly beautiful, Barbie.", He whispered sweetly and I look down to hide my blush. This guy just making me look like a fool with his compliments. I feel one of his hand pull my face up and our eyes meet again. He looks handsome as ever, his lips look so deliciously red and his eyes looks more vibrant.

"Can I kiss you?", The words that he shouldn't have ever asked. I'd let him kiss me without asking but I nod my head regardless, afraid that I might not find my voice if I answer it verbally.

I feel his soft lips meeting mine and I can feel butterflies making their way to my stomach. My heart's beating fast but this time I feel relieved and secured on his arms. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and we make out even more until we're out of breath and just stare at each other. Red cheeks and smile mirroring each other.

"Alcrais something Knight, will you be my boyfriend?", He breathed out and I can feel a smile making its way to my cheeks. I'd never get tired of smiling at his sweet personality.

"My name's not Alcrais something Knight, fart!", I teased him and he groans.

"I'm sorry okay! I dunno your middle name!", He pouted cutely.

I beamed at that, "it's Fortune, Sandoval! I thought I told you about it when we do the questions thingy for English..", I pointed out.

"Really? I don't know I forgot okay!", He says looking down seemingly embarrassed.

"You remember about my sex toy collection but not my middle name?", I give him a playful push on his shoulder.

"Uh shut up okay! That's different!", he said and I laugh at that.

"Okayyy...", I said teasingly, "..but yes!", Answering his question from earlier.

"Yes you'll shut up?", He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes I'll be your boyfriend, dumbass!", I snorted and soon his frowns replaced by a wide smile.

"Fuck yeah!", He exclaimed like a child getting a treat from their parents. He's so childish at the time but it's cute when he's like this.

"You're such a child!", I muttered. He just grins sheepishly in return.

We continue to ice skate until I can manage to stand on my own and move by myself. Now that I kinda master this, it feels fun and nice to be swaying freely on the thin ice like this. I can even pick up the pace and try to skate backwards.

Rafael's still trailing behind me though making sure I never fall, but little did he knows I already am for him.


"Man, that was fun!", He exclaimed with a smile as we give back the scarf, gloves, and shoes for skating.

I return his smile, "It really is so fun! I'm hungry though..", when I feel my stomach growls.

He nods, "We can eat at this Italian place, it's five minutes drive from here, what do you think?", He suggested,

I shrug my shoulders, "As long as there's food I'm up to whatever restaurant you're taking me!", I blurted out and he chuckles.

"You're so hungry huh?"

"Are you calling me fat, bae?", I test him.

"Ooh I mean you got a fat ass, that's all I can say.", He winks and I rolled my eyes at that. I decided to look at my phone to see any notification and it's mostly from my friends in Instagram group.

Speaking of my friends, I want to ask Rafael if he's okay with my friends knowing about us. I mean they're loud and have no boundaries but they don't gossip around and can keep their mouth shut for a secret thing.

"Uh bae..", I called him and he hum. "Can I tell my friends about us?" I asked. He just silent and I took it as a cue to give my reason. "Uh don't worry, they might be loud and got no boundaries but I promise you they won't spill anything to anyone... I just uh I can't keep lying to them about us...", I ramble fidgeting with my fingers.

He hum, "uh well I guess... If you say so.", he simply said. "I mean I'm still not ready to come out publicly just yet but I guess telling your friends won't hurt?", He clarified.

I beam at that, "Thank you, bae! I promise I'll force them not to spill anything or I'll kill them!", he snorted at that.

"With your 5'6 frame? Really?", He teased me and I give him a middle finger. "When you telling them, bae?", He asked.

I think about it for a second, "maybe next Friday at cheerleading practice.", I tell him and he hum.

"Alright cool.", That's the last thing he said as we arrived at this Italian restaurant that Rafael recommended me early on. Honestly my stomach can't wait for foods filling it.

We make our way to the restaurant and the receptionist ask for his reservation and he told her his name and then we're guided to our table. Soon the waitress hand us the menu and I picked the favorite items of this restaurant, same as Rafael and then we wait for our order to be cooked.

Rafael reach his hands out and hold it with mine on the table and I smile at the gesture. We talk about random things like how he thought it's stupid the plural form of leaf is leaves when it should've been leafs instead. I just chuckle and listen to him ramble about random thing.

"Well we have a lovely couple around here!" I hear someone said suddenly and we break away to see the familiar blonde guy from school.



What do u think is happening??

If u enjoy this part votes would be... TERRIFIC 😊

till next update ~~~

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