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Let's see what really happened from Raf perspective..


Rafael P.O.V

Today I wake up at ease knowing my parents already know about me and sort of okay with it. I brush my teeth and tripling down the stairs to the kitchen to see my mom surprisingly so cook some breakfast.

"Morning, momma!", I greet her with as smile as she smiles back at me while flipping the food in the pant.

"Morning, Junior!", She greets back. It's been awhile since she cooked me some breakfast like this. Her and dad usually always not home for breakfast or sometimes skipping it, so it's really nice that I can have breakfast with them again.

"Where's dad?", I asked her as I take a seat in the dining room then notice the absence of my dad.

"Oh he's already going on another trip, cariño!", she simply says as she put the plate filled with omelette, bacon, and green beans on it in front of me.

"Gracias!", I thanked her. "Why you don't go with him?", I curiously asked.

She shrugs her shoulders, "I told your father that I want to be a proper mom from now on, I realized that we've been missing so many details about you and yesterday was the realization for me..", she explains.

I simply nod my head at her reasoning.

She then proceed to take a seat across from me and we enjoy the breakfast in silence.

"Sooo how's you and your boyfriend?", My mom asks breaking the silence.

I look up from my plate then swallow my food before speaking up, "Uh we're alright, it's been 9 days since we started dating and we learn much about each other..", I said while cutting on my omelette.

"Aww that's cute! What's his name and how he looks like?", My mom beamed and I smile at that.

"Calm down, momma! I'll show you his pictures once we done eating.", I stated. "Also his name is Alcrais..", I added then start biting on my omelette and bacons again.

"I can't wait!", She exclaimed.

I finished my breakfast in happiness, after all the alone breakfast that I had and empty cold morning. I can now feel the feelings of warmth. I got me a boyfriend which fill my used to be cold and empty heart. Now my mom gonna stay with me too and accept me for having a boyfriend.

This is probably the most happiness state in my life so far.

After done eating I show her the picture of Alcrais and me from the ice skating date we had and she's like "aww he's so adorable! Rafael please let me meet him soon!", She practically begged for her to meet him.

I just smile and wave her off. I'll introduce him soon properly, I hope he's okay with it and I hope my dad also could come around and accept us.

I told her that I need to get going for school and she hugs me then wishing me luck as I enter my car drive myself into the school with a big smile on my face.


Currently I'm in History classes and just like usual I don't pay attention to what the teacher do up front instead I'm writing something to be thrown to Alcrais. My friends find it hilarious that I keep 'bothering' him by throwing papers at his desk and head but little did they know it's a way of me to express my emotion to Alcrais.

I crumble the paper and start throwing it directly to his seat. He then looks back at me with a frown as I smirk at him, he goes back to his normal position as I see him fiddling with the crumbled paper on his hands.

I hope it'll make his day!

"Dude ya heard the rumors about that flamboyant boy with the new guy?", I hear Todd asking from besides me. I look over at him and raise my eyebrows.

What about Alcrais and Carlos?!

I screamed in my head but I keep my poker face on the whole time, "What about them?", I asked calmly trying to act cool and shit.

"I heard they be raw dogging at the janitor's bathroom bruh! That's so nasty!", He said with disgust.

Oh if you only knew..

I just hum then grab my phone to scroll through my Instagram then received a text from Alcrais saying "ty handsome 🙄❤️" and I fight the smile that creeping its way into my face.


When the bell rang I immediately get up and make my way into the cafeteria and plop down on my usual seat with my friends. We're just chatting casual until people starts to look at me weirdly. I frown at the sudden change of emotion.

"What's wrong?", I asked them curiously.

No one says anything at that moment which further my confusion. That until Todd decided to speak up, "Rafael what the fuck you're a faggot?!", He exclaims rather furiously.

My heart just drops and I feel like the world is crumbling down. I try to act normally and simply asked him, "huh what you talking about bro?", I lied and then he shoved his phone on my face and then I see the sight that makes me want to punch someone in the face, especially the person that did this.

It's my photo of me and Alcrais on our students school forum and all over the Instagram too.

That fucking bitch!

I just silent as I see my friends look at me judgementally all of sudden. I can feel my stomach getting sick just seeing their judgemental sight. So I get up and run away from the cafeteria.

"RAFAEL WAIT!", I hear Luka screamed and I hear sounds of shoes chasing after me. I trespassing the security guard and the gate and make my way into my car. I see the guard chasing after me but I immediately put my car in drive and get away as fast and as away as possible.

I grip my steering wheel the whole time feeling so upset of being outed by that bitch, Camilla. More so my so called friends act completely different as soon as they saw that photo. It just makes me so angry that they'd switch up on me just like that.

I increase my speed off the speed limit on the highway then suddenly a car with slower speed block my way, cause of reflex I toss my steering wheel to the side and send my car into the bush and into the highway wall where it then makes a contact.

The last thing I know it's all darkness consuming me.


Don't hate me for this.. 🥺

But I appreciate it if you still reading till this part. It's only couple more chapter till the ending so hang on for me <3

Till next update, luvlies

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