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Alcrais P.O.V

Today's the day I'm going back at school after one week suspension and some students stared at me at the hallway but I paid no mind and just go straight to my locker grabbing my school attire and notebook.

"ALCRAISSSS BITCH!", I hear stomping of shoes and screeching sound from behind me and I was crush with a hug, I jolted in surprise and put one hand to support me from meeting the locker with my face. It's Cassy hugging me or rather I said hogging me.

I sigh gripping her hand around my torso, "Bitch! I could've knock my face on the locker!", I said annoyed.

"OMG IS THAT MY BESTIE?!", I sigh when I hear Sandra running and join Cassy to hug me. I look around at the people giving us a stare so I told them to let go and thankfully they do.

"Ugh it's been awhile! Don't worry Mira took some notes for you!", Cassy said then pop a lollipop into her mouth.

"Of course it's Miranda!", I said rolling my eyes at their laziness. I couldn't trust anything about school to Cassy, Agnez, and Sandra because they're hopeless without me and Mira helping.

"Anywho, how's your lovely boy?", Sandra asked as we enter the class and I can feel all eyes on me. I just look at the anatomy doll behind the class to avert my gaze from the sudden stares. It's so awkward when people do that, like stare at something else.

I gradually sit on my usual spot with Sandra besides me and Cassy behind me.

"C'mon tell us about it!", Cassy persisted from behind me, pulling her chair out and sit on my left side.

"Alright alright but don't be too loud!", I whispered and they nod eagerly. "Well he's been better and now can be taken care at home. ", I told them. "..but he can't walk properly just yet so he'll still rest for another week. ", I informed.

"Well... That we mostly already know! What I mean is there any spicy stuff you guys do at the hospital?", Sandra pressed with a smirk.

"You're both disgusting!", I said with a straight face. "Also how you guys know?!", I recall her last statement.

"Ugh well you see.. Rafael's best friends been hanging out with us during the lunch.", Cassy told us. "..ugh lemme tell you I won't admit it too loud but Kody is a real Zaddy!", She gushes dreamingly.

I wrinkle my forehead at that, "What?! Why?!", I asked them.

"I dunno after that day they been hanging out with us and less with the 'popular table'.", Sandra said with a shrug. Well judging by the reaction that I've seen from the 'popular table' I can tell that most of them aren't as welcoming to me being bisexual, especially Rafael being my boyfriend. It's not my problem though hopefully they stay away from me and Rafael from now on and won't bother us ever again.

Suddenly short neck aka Todd, enter the class and I forgot I shared some classes with him which just irritates me to put in short. He looks at me annoyed and scoff past me to his minions in the back of this class.

"Just tell us if he's bothering you, we can make him learn not to bother you!", Cassy whispered giving Todd a side sinister glance.

"Trust me, I can make him learn just enough! Hopefully he won't start being homophobic and pick on me again!", I whispered back.

Mr. O'Connor enter the class and Cassy push her chair back to her table then we start to study for today.

Rafa ❤️

Heyy g'luck at school!

Send me a pic of u at school 🥺

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