Part 4

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"Is that all?" Robyn asked Steve. They'd spent most of their shift talking about what had happened. "What do you mean?" He asked, confused. "Never mind" she shook her head. "Why do you keep wasting your time trying to find a girlfriend when there's tons of worthy guys out there?" She asked with a mischievous grin. "Shhh!! Not so loud!" Steve had a mini panic attack. Robyn was the only person who knew he was bisexual, and he wanted to keep it that way. "Just cause your openly gay doesn't mean I have to be!" He shout-whispered. "Dingus!" Robyn laughed. Steve smiled. Robyn was the only one that could make him feel like he belonged. Other than Eddie of course, but the feeling was probably not mutual.

He stood at the counter, fidgeting with his thumbs. He thought about the feeling of Eddie's rings on his bare skin, the way his fingers lingerd just enough for Steve to notice, but not seem weird. He sighed. He wished Eddie could know how much Steve liked him.

It had started a few years before, when the rumour about Eddie being gay had begun to spread. At first, Steve had been worried that he'd be outed too, since he'd only recently become comfortable with his sexuality. But then he saw them. A group of older boys were standing in a circle, taking turns kicking someone in the center. He'd put his head down and tried to walk away, no need to get on The bad side of Jason and his crew. But then he saw the face of the person laying bloody on the floor. Eddie, the gay freak. Their eyes met, and tears were streaming down Eddie's face. Steve had gotten so angry in that moment. This poor boy who'd never really hurt a soul, being beaten to death for merely existing. Before he changed his mind, he punched Jason straight in the face. He'd grabbed the boy off the floor and ran. He'd thrown the boy in his car and driven so fast they were lucky they hadn't hit a tree. He'd taken Eddie back to his house and cleaned him up, washing his face and bandaging his cuts. Eddie had woken up long enough after that to tell Steve where he lived. Steve had driven the boy home and laid him in his own bed. Steve had watched him sleep for a while, so peaceful and calm. Steve knew Eddie probably didn't even remember that day.

The two boys hadn't really spoken since, except the occasional hello in the halls or hey in the bathroom. But both boys had been studying each other, learning everything about each other. And both had fallen deep in love with each other, without the other actually knowing. For Steve it was a slow, deep love. The kind that would fade over time if not fuelled by the person's presence. Eddie on the other hand, his love was fast and unforgettable, the kind that never really went away, even if the person wasn't in your life anymore. This was only the second time Steve had ever really fallen for a guy. He'd tried to forget, to find a girl to replace his love for the other boy, but nothing could change what his heart wanted.


When Eddie got home he broke down crying on the floor. He couldn't understand why Steve never noticed how much he needed him. Seeing him hurt like that, seeing him in so much pain, had caused Eddie more pain than Steve knew.

He remembered clearly the day he'd met Steve. He had just been about to leave school early when Jason and his gang jumped him. Of course, he'd run his mouth, which earned him a punch in the face. The boys had begun to beat him to a pulp. Just as he was sure this would kill him, something made the boys stop kicking him. Suddenly he was swept off the floor and carried through the parking lot. He opened his eyes long enough to see Steve Harrington with an angry grimace on his face. He'd fallen asleep after that, but when he woke up on Harrington's couch, the pain had pretty much disappeared. He told Steve where he lived, and then fell asleep again. He'd woken up the next morning in his own bed, but something was different. Steve Harrington was no longer a selfish jerk who always had a chick on his arm. He was now a protector, someone to trust, to believe in. Someone to love.

Personally, Steve gives off pansexual vibes, but that wasn't a thing in thier time era and I wanted to keep it accurate. Have a good day :)

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