Part 13

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When Eddie woke up the next morning he was alone. He sat up, confused. After a couple of minutes, the bedroom door opened, and Steve walked into the room in just a towel, his wet hair dripping down his bare chest. Eddie whistled, and Steve laughed. "Morning Eds" he said. Without warning, Steve dropped his towel and started searching through his closet, completely naked. Eddie blushed hard and looked away. "God Steve, warn me next time!" "What!? You gotta problem with my nakedness!?" He asked, pretending to be offended. "Yes Steve! I do have a problem with your nakedness!" Eddie laughed. Steve faced the wall and started putting on clothes. Eddie stood and walked up to him just before he buttoned his jeans, but still didn't have a shirt on. He must not have heard Eddie stand, because he jumped when the smaller boy wrapped his arms around his waist and leaned his chin on Steve's shoulder, whilst standing on his tippy toe's. "Good morning Stevie" he whispered into Steve's ear.


"Morning my love" Steve whispered back, turning his head to plant a kiss on Eddie's cheek. "Do you have to work today?" Eddie asked. "Nope. I was hoping we could go to the arcade or something, how bout that?" Steve answered. Eddie smiled. "I would love that," He said.

A few hours later, they pulled up to the arcade. "Go easy in there, I'm not as rich as you think." Eddie just laughed and ran out of the car like a little kid. Steve sighed, regretting his decision. As he walked in Eddie immediately ran to the Pac-man game, which happened to be empty. "Isn't that like, the most basic arcade game?" Steve asked, watching Eddie slide a coin into the slot. "That's what makes it good, Harrington. Now watch and learn"

Steve watched for the first twenty minutes, and then he got bored. "Can we play a Different game now? Please...". "Just one more round," Eddie said, completely focused on the machine. "That's what you said 14 round's ago" Steve groaned. "I'll be over by the claw machine" he said, admiring the adorable way Eddie stuck out his tongue when he was concentrating. "Mkay" he mumbled. Steve sighed and made his way to the claw machine. He slipped a coin in, deciding he might as well. He concentrated on one giant blue teddy bear he knew Eddie would love. He didn't get it the first time. Or the next 6 times, but on his seventh try, he managed to get the bear into the chute, and he whooped with joy as he pulled the stuffed animal out of the machine.

He walked back to the Pac-Man game, but Eddie wasn't where he'd left him. "Eds? Where are you?" He called. He searched the whole Arcade for his boyfriend, and when he couldn't find him he began to panic. "Eddie! Where are you?!" He whispered, searching the whole place a second time. He looked out the window, and a wave of relief washed over him when he saw Eddie sitting on the hood of his car, sipping a slurpee. A second one was in his hand. Steve walked out the door and sat beside Eddie. Suddenly, the relief once again hit him at the sight of his boyfriend, and he pulled him into a hug. "Steve, you're crushing my rib cage" Eddie mumbled. "Sorry!" Steve pulled away from the hug. "Why did you run off?! God it's like I'm looking after a toddler sometimes!" Steve huffed, and Eddie just stuck his tongue out. "Here, I got this for you" Eddie handed Steve the other Slurpee. "Thanks, I got this for you" he said, handing the stuffed bear to Eddie, who's whole face lit up. The smaller boy pulled the toy to his chest and smiled like a little kid in a candy store.

Just then, three cop cars zoomed down the street, their sirens blaring. Steve pulled Eddie a little closer to him as the cop's rounded the corner. "Let's go home" Steve whispered, jumping off the car and opening the passenger door for Eddie.

The first ten minutes of the car ride was silent, Steve focused on the road and Eddie fiddling with the teddy bear on his lap. "I'm sorry I Left you alone," Eddie said, not looking at Steve. "That's not why I'm mad. And You need to stop apologizing for being responsible for yourself, and being your own person. I was just worried about you. Because to be honest Eddie, I still have nightmares about that day. What if I wasn't there? What if they'd killed you?! What if I wasn't there yesterday? And You got kidnapped! Someone could have taken advantage of you Eddie! I'm just so scared that I'm gonna lose you, because I can't always be there to protect you." He looked over at Eddie, tears in his eyes. "I just love you so fucking much that it hurts when your not with me" he added, looking back at the road.

Eddie was speechless. "I- i love you too Steve, and I understand how you feel. That day, when you showed up at my trailer, the pain you were in, it hurt me more than you will ever know. You're the one, you've always been the one..." now both boys had tears streaming down their faces.

Steve pulled up to his house, looking over at Eddie. "What do you want for lunch?" He asked casually. Eddie smiled. "Kraft dinner" he said with a smile. "Definitely." Steve smiles, gently resting his hand on Eddie's.

I hope you like this chapter. I'm going to try and add more of a plot to the story. Have a good day :)

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