Part 17

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Eddie watched Steve run out of the cafeteria. "Do you know him?" Charlie asked, taking a bite of his apple. "Ya... he's...he's my boyfriend" He admitted. He expected everyone to shout and call him names, but instead they smiled. "You're dating the king? That's so cool! I wish I could get a guy like that!" Charlie huffed. "So you guys are, like, cool with it?" He asked, surprised. "Of course Eddie, we're all freaks here, doesn't matter which way you swing. I swing both ways myself" Charlie patted him on the back. "Same" one guy called. "I like guys too," another boy said. a couple of people nodded in agreement. '"I personally don't know what you all see in men, but go for it I guess" a girl with purple hair and piercings shrugged. Eddie felt instantly more comfortable. They joked and talked for the rest of lunch. "Hey Eddie, do you wanna come to our D&D match tonight? And maybe we can teach you to play!" Charlie said with a grin. "That would be sick! What time?" Eddie asked with a smile on his face.


When he got to maths class Steve was filled with joy when he saw Eddie sitting at the back of the room, the desk beside him empty. He slid into the seat and plopped his bag on the ground at his feet. "Hey" he gasped. "Hey." Eddie mumbled staring out the window. Steve rested his hand on Eddie's knee under the desk. "Are you ok?" Steve whispered. "Ya, just peachy" Eddie answered, still not looking at Steve. "Did something happen? Are you mad at me?" Steve was really worried. "Boys, keep it down please!" The teacher yelled. "Sorry," Steve mumbled. "It's nothing Stevie, I'm just being annoying" Eddie said, fiddling with his rings. "You're never annoying my love, your feelings are important to me. If something is bothering you just tell me, I won't judge" Steve squeezed Eddie's knee gently.

"I'm just...I'm just lonely Steve" he mumbled. Steve's eyebrows knitted together with worry. "Oh! Well, we have our movie night tonight? Maybe that will help?" Steve smiled. "Shit that's tonight?! I've got a thing with Charlie and his gang tonight! Can we reschedule? I'm really sorry Steve" Steve's heart dropped. He almost asked who Charlie was, but changed his mind. He trusted Eddie, he'd never do something like that, right? "Oh. That's fine, we'll just do it tomorrow, maybe Rob can come over tonight so I won't be lonely" he hadn't meant to say the last part, but Eddie didn't seem affected, or if he was he didn't show it.  "Alright, tomorrow. It's a date. Thanks Steve, I love you" he whispered. "I love you too little punk" he whispered back.

Later that day, Steve drove Robyn home, a strange sadness settling in his heart. Robyn couldn't stay at his place because she had something with her friends, and Eddie was getting a ride home from one of his friends and wouldn't be home till late. He got home and threw his bag onto the floor, too tired to do anything but lay on the couch staring at the ceiling. Eddie wouldn't cheat on him, he hoped. But it all was just too obvious to deny. Eddie had met a new guy at school, and now he was going to hang out with him and wouldn't be home until late, and he conveniently forgot to tell Steve what they'd be doing and when he'd actually be getting home.

  Steve felt sick at the thought of someone's else's hands all over his Eddie. Someone else running his fingers through Eddie's hair, holding him close and making him smile. He screamed and punched the couch cushion. Anger filled him. How could he do this?! How could Eddie love someone else, when Steve sat at home, his heart slowly breaking. Eventually his anger subsided to pain. A pain like a knife slicing through his heart and then stomping on it. He began to cry harder than he'd ever cried before. Gut wrenching sobs that made his whole body shake. After a while the crying tired him out, and he drifted into an uneasy sleep, the pain still searing through him.


"Thanks Charlie, that was awesome. I'd definitely like to join next time" Eddie said with a smile as they pulled into Steve's driveway. "I can't wait, we need another strong warrior for this campaign." Charlie chuckled. "Well, I gotta go check on Stevie, he's probably sad that I missed movie night." Eddie smiled, opening the door. "Still super jealous as hell! I wish I could date the king!" Charlie Whined jokingly. "Keep your hands to yourself! He's my baby boy!" Eddie teased. "See ya tomorrow Eddie" Charlie said, driving away.

Eddie walked up to the front door, and found it unlocked, which worried him. Steve almost always locked the door unless he was in a hurry to go somewhere or he was having a party or something. Eddie shut and locked the door behind him, slowly walking into the house. "Steve?" He called. He walked into the living room, and he smiled when he saw Steve fast asleep on the couch. He walked over and gently covered his boyfriend with a blanket. "Sleep tight my love" he whispered, planting a kiss on Steve's forehead, trying to grasp how he got so lucky to have a boyfriend like his Stevie.

I hope you liked this chapter. I'm having so much fun! Anyway, have a good day :)

My little Punk! [Steddie fanfic]✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora