Part 10

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It was actually half an hour before they got into the van, because both boys were tired and hung over. Most of the car ride they sat in silence, just staring out the window.

Eventually Steve spoke up. "Robyn's having a party tomorrow night, to celebrate summer break, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?" Eddie smiled. "I don't know Harrington, that doesn't sound like my sort of thing..." He drummed his fingers against the steering wheel. "Oh. Ok, that's ok" Steve tried not to show his disappointment as he rubbed the scar on his forearm. "Fine, I'll come, as long as you don't ditch me for your friends" Eddie looked over at Steve. "I promise I'll be with you the whole night!" Steve laughed.


"Well, I'll pick you up at 8" Steve said as they pulled up to Family Video. "Alright,
Bye Steve." Steve looked around, and when he didn't see anyone, he leaned over and pecked a kiss on Eddie's Cheek, and The other boy Turned bright red. "Bye my little punk," Steve whispered before getting out of the car and walking into the store, leaving a flustered and dazed Eddie in his van.


"Hey Robyn, sorry I'm late" Steve's said, slipping on his staff vest and standing beside her at the counter. "So you and Eddie now?" She asked with one eyebrow raised. Steve blushed. "Ya, we're boyfriend's now!" He said with a grin. "I'm so happy for you Dingus," She whispered, and they hugged. "He's coming to the party tomorrow, is that cool?" "Of course! The more the merrier" she grinned.

"Cool. So How's that thing with your girlfriend. What's her name... Victoria, Mickie..." "it's Vickie! And I don't think she likes me..." Robyn sighed sadly. "What do you mean?! I've seen the way she looks at you! She likes boobies! She likes your boobies!" "Ew!!! Don't say that word!" Robyn giggled. Steve laughed. "Boobies! Boobies!! Boooobies!!" "Stop!!!" She laughed uncontrollably. "You like boobies, victora likes Boobies, even I like boobies!" "Vickie! And I hate to brake it to you Steve, you might like boobies, but you also like dick!" She giggled. "Shhh!!!! We've talked about this! I. Am. In. The. Closet!!" This must have set them off, because after that they broke out in a fit of laughter.

Thier laughing stopped when the bell rung, and Robyn ran to the front.  "Dingus!!! It's for you!!" She yelled. He perked up, could it be Eddie? He was disappointed to find Dustin standing impatiently at the counter. "Yes Henderson, do you have a reason for being here?" He asked walking up to the counter. "Maybe I'm just here for a movie" the kid crossed his arms. "Are you?" Steve asked, raising his eyebrow. Dustin paused. "No." "That's what I thought. Why are you here?" He asked again. "There's something your not telling me." Dustin said. "What?! No... I would never keep anything from my favourite kid!" Dustin raised his eyebrow too. "I saw Eddie's car in your driveway." He said nonchalantly. "Oh, that." "Ya, that." "I-" "don't, Lie to me Steven" Dustin seemed genuinely angry. Steve gulped. "We're dating..."

Dustin's face changed completely. "Really!! Omg! I'm so happy for you!" Steve raised his eyebrow again. "What did you think we were doing?" He asked. "Not important. But now my two older friends are together! This is totally sick man!" "Hey Dustin, you can't tell anyone man! Anyone! You hear me?" "Not even the party?" "Not even the party!" "Fine, but you have to tell them sometime, thier gonna want to be at your wedding!" Steve just rolled his eyes. "Are you getting a movie or not?" Steve asked. "I need you to drive me home.." Dustin mumbled. "I'm sorry, speak up?" "I need you to drive me home! My bike broke down on the way here" he stared at the ground. "Seriously dude!! Why didn't you start with that! Now I have to babysit you until my shift is over!" "Sorry..." Dustin mumbled. "Just get in the back, if my boss sees you we're all dead"

Sry it's another short one, I wrote it at a gas station. Have a good day :)

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