Part 19

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At lunch Steve almost sat with his friends when Robyn waved at him, but then he remembered that he was sitting with Eddie today. He spotted his boyfriend looking at him with one eyebrow raised, waiting. He took a deep breath and walked over to the group he was sitting with. Steve knew that after this he would be king no more, but it was all worth it knowing that it would make Eddie happy. Eddie's face lit up with joy when Steve plopped down beside him. "I thought you wouldn't come!" "Of course I'd come! anything to make you smile" he whispered, but everyone at the table heard it. Eddie blushed a deep crimson. He wasn't used to such open displays of affection, but he kinda loved it. "Steve, guys. Guys, Steve," Eddie introduced. "Still can't believe you're dating the king! You're so lucky!" The red headed boy sitting on Eddie's otherside exclaimed. "Don't worry Charlie, you'll find someone soon enough" Eddie assured him.

"Is Steve coming to the tournament tomorrow?" A skinny kid across the table yelled. "Want to?" Eddie asked, turning to Steve. "Tournament for what?" Steve asked. "You didn't tell him? This is a D&D club, that's a game by the way, and we're helping Ed make a character tomorrow so he can join the campaign this weekend" Charlie explained. "I guess I could come," Steve shrugged. "Awesome! I'm so excited!" Eddie giggled, resting his head on Steve's shoulder. Steve wasn't expecting this, but quite enjoyed it as he gently kissed his boyfriend on the forehead and held his hand. "You guys are really cute together," A girl giggled. Steve couldn't help but grin as the group chatted and joked. He could feel eyes on him, and he knew everyone in the room was probably watching his every move, But he didn't care. Because sitting there, his boyfriend practically sitting in his lap, just being open, being himself, he could stay like this forever.


Later that day Eddie got to maths class and his boyfriend sat beside with a smile. "Hello" Steve grinned at him. "Hello, how has your day been?" Eddie shuffled his chair a little closer to Steve's. "hell," Steve admitted with a huff. Eddie frowned. He knew people would hate Steve for being with him, but he hated the sad look on Steve's face. "Are you going to be ok?" Eddie asked quietly. "Ya, as long as i've got you, i'm good to go! Plus, being popular is overrated anyway. I'm glad I can finally be myself for once and not worry about what people will think, ya know?"  Steve chuckled, resting his hand on Eddie's knee. Eddie frowned, but quickly plastered a fake smile over it, doodling on his homework that he was supposed to do yesterday. "Are you ok Eds?" Steve whispered. "Ya, not really, i'll tell you about it later" he mumbled back. "Oki doki, love you" Steve whispered, pulling out his own blank homework. "Love you too babe" Eddie whispered back with a smile.

"Alright class, did everyone do the homework i assigned?" the teacher asked. Steve gulped and looked over at Eddie, who looked at the guys behind him, who shook their heads. "Anyone who didn't do it can get a detention slip from me after class, have fun hanging out with Mr.Cragler tonight." the teacher said with a smirk. Half the class groaned. "I guess movie night will be later than i anticipated" Eddie mumbled to Steve with an apologetic smile.

A few hours later the boys sat in the detention room with 7 or so other kids, all whining and complaining. "I'll be in my office if you need me. But if you do, please don't ask me, I don't care about you whatsoever" Mr.Cragler mumbled, shutting his office door behind him. Eddie noticed that the door locked from the outside, and an idea came to him.

Once they'd all sat down for 15 minutes, he looked through the  window and noticed that Mr.Cragler had fallen asleep in his office chair. He tapped the person behind him and pointed to the lock on the doorknob. She nodded, and told the person beside her, who told the person behind him and so on and so forth, until everyone knew the plan. Eddie quietly crept up to the door and snapped the lock into place. He turned and gave the group a thumbs up, and another girl quietly opened the door to the classroom. Once it was open, all the kids grabbed their bags and ran into the hall, not bothering to be quiet now. They all laughed as they ran out of the school. Eddie and Steve were the last to leave, giggling and laughing to each other. "Hey! Let me out of here you little shits! I'm calling your parents!" Mr.Cragler had woken up and was now pounding on the door. "Good luck with that sir!" Eddie yelled before grabbing Steve's hand and sprinting after the group of kids who were now running through the parking lot towards their cars.

"Hey Eds, can we have a party?" Steve whispered to Eddie just before they reached Steve's car. "Like, right now? How are you supposed to do that?" Eddie raised an eyebrow. Steve grinned and shouted "Party at our place!!" as loud as he could. Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at him. "I'll bring beer!!" one kid shouted across the parking lot. "I'll get pizza and chips!" another guy shouted. One by one everyone shouted something they were gonna bring, and then got in their cars and drove off. "Whoa" Eddie stood, baffled at what he'd just witnessed.  "I guess I can still throw a wicked parking lot party" Steve chuckled, getting in the car. "Maybe movie night on friday instead?" he smiled apologetically as Eddie got in the car and they drove home. "Fine, I guess he can postpone it again..." he mumbled. "Thanks babe! I love you" Steve smiled. "Just know, i'm not pleased with this," Eddie grumbled. "Any time princess" Steve laughed.

Hope you liked this chapter, have a good day :)

My little Punk! [Steddie fanfic]✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن