Finalle part

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Steve felt something similar to a mother's pride as he watched Penny disappear into her house.
After a long debate and a vote, they'd all decided that Dustin would now be called Penelope, or Penny for short. Steve had been a little confused at first, but once his boyfriend explained it a little he finally understood, and promised Penny he would love her no matter what, and there my have been happy tears involved.

They were mostly quite on the car ride back to the trailer. "Are you ok?" Eddie asked after awhile. "Ya. Given all the shit we've been through, I'd say I'm pretty ok." Steve nodded, smiling out the window. "I still have no clue how we ever made it this far." Eddie chuckled. "Happy three year anniversary. I know it was a few months ago, but I think it's well over due." Steve whispered. Eddie pulled his van into his parking spot and turned to face his boyfriend. "Happy anniversary Stevie, I love you." He said, pulling a little box from his pocket.

Steve's eyes widened. "I've had this since before you left, I was going to ask that night, but, here it goes. Steve, you make me the happiest man alive. I know we've never had it really easy, and we may never actually have a real wedding, but will you do the honour of letting me call you my husband?" He opened the ring box to reveal a metal ring with the initials of both boys engraved on it.

Tears came to Steve's eyes. He smiled, even through the tears streaming down his cheeks. "Yes!" He managed to yell before grabbing Eddie and pulling him into a kiss. They pulled apart and Eddie slipped the ring onto Steve's finger. Both boys swelled with happiness. "I know it's not much, but uncle Wayne helped me pick it out." Eddie smiled as Steve examined the ring. "It's perfect..." he whispered, leaning over and pressing his forehead to Eddie's. "Thank you...I love you so much Eds, it's inhuman." Steve brushed his lips against his lover's. Both boys giggled. "But you could have picked somewhere a little more romantic." He teased, looking around Eddie's messy van.  They both laughed.
"Let's go inside husband." Eddie grinned. "Celebration sex?" Steve asked. "Definitely." Eddie nodded.

Sry for the very short finale chapter, just thought it would be cute. Also I'm gonna write an epilogue, and then this book will be finished. Have a good day :)

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