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Bella found out about Jacob being a wolf shifter along with the other pack members

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Bella found out about Jacob being a wolf shifter along with the other pack members. It was total chaos at the Rez. Paul almost mauled her if it wasn't for Jacob shifting mid air. They brought her to Emily's place to ease her about ratting them out to the world.

Jacob was furious after discovering that Bella knew about the Cullens being vampires. None of the wolf shifters like the fact that Aquila and Charlie along with the newcomers are around the bloodsuckers. They think it's too dangerous. Then Bella saw it as an opportunity to badmouth Aquila.

"You don't have to worry about Aquila being around vampires. She's a freak, a witch. She's a monster and an evil being." Bella stated.

Only Jacob knew Aquila and they aren't close but he still hopes Aquila had a reasonable explanation. The others growled thinking that Aquila can be a danger. Jacob snapped after reading their thoughts through their pack link.

"Guys, Aquila is a nice person. We have to hear her side first." Jacob suggested.

"No Jake. You aren't going anywhere near that freak. She might put you under a spell too! She already brainwashed Charlie that she is good. And she enslaved Edward under her love spells. It was supposed to be me and Edward but she put a spell on him. Edward loves me but now he's stuck with her." Bella convinced them. Most of the pack members nod their heads.

"Then let her enslave that bloodsucker. All we have to do is save Charlie from her. A bloodsucking demon and an evil witch. They're a perfect match, don't you think?" Paul snidely remarked.

"No. We also have to free Edward from her spell." Bella argued.

"Vampires aren't our responsibilities. We aren't going to do anything against Aquila Black. It's the order of the elders." Sam Uley, the alpha, stated with finality. Nobody argued to go against the alpha's orders.

Bella didn't agree. But she wanted to use these shifters to get rid of Aquila. The only problem is she doesn't know how.

Jacob brought Bella home. But before he left, he approached Aquila who was dancing on the porch holding a baby.

"Hey Black."

"Fancy seeing you here Black."

"That sounds weird." Jacob said with his face scrunched up which made Aquila chuckle.

"Yes, yes it does."

Jacob cooed at the sleeping baby girl on Aquila's arms. "Who is she? What's her name?"

"Delphini Merope Riddle. But you can call her Delphi. She's my soon to be adopted daughter-slash-cousin." Aquila smiled down at the baby in her arms and kissed her chubby cheeks.

"You're going to adopt her? Aren't you too young? You're not old enough." Jacob asked confusedly.

"What's the basis of being too young and old enough? I mean eighteen is basically adulthood and I turned eighteen last April so why am I too young?" Aquila asked.

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