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At the Cullens' house, everyone gathered

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At the Cullens' house, everyone gathered. Harry, Ron and Hermione were sitting on the couch. Draco was standing behind where Aquila sat. Edward was sitting with Aquila. Esme is with Carlisle and Alice is standing beside Rosalie. Andromeda and Narcissa are at the Black Manor tending to Delphi and Teddy.

"Who was it? Someone we know?" Carlisle asked.

"This stranger... I don't recognize his scent." Edward answered.

"A nomad passing through?" Esme tried to guess.

"Charlie was sleeping in the house." Harry piped in.

"A passerby wouldn't have left Charlie alive." Rosalie pointed out which made Aquila's throat run dry.

"Moine, Dray, help me strengthen the wards around the houses. Uncle C could've died." Aquila asked which made Hermione and Draco nods.

"Could it possibly be a deatheater?" Ron asked.

"No. I would've felt it. One of the house's wards alerts me about the magics performed in Uncle C's house." Aquila answered

As if on que, Jasper and Emmett then entered the living room.

"The scent disappeared about five miles south of Charlie's house." Jasper reported.

"Someone's orchestrating this." Carlisle said.

"Victoria..." Aquila said, realizing the red head vampire who still roamed freely.

"I would've seen her decide." Alice told Aquila as she reached out to the young Black's arms.

"Has to be the Volturi." Edward stated.

"I don't think it's the Volturi either. I've been watching Aro's decision too." Alice countered.

"What about Caius, Marcus or any of those guards?" Aquila asked.

"I'll try to check." Alice nodded at the young witch.

"No, I don't think they will, Wils. They knew about Alice's gift which would be their disadvantage. They wouldn't put themselves on the line." Draco said.

Hermione's eyes widened in realization after realizing what Draco meant. "They're letting this happen. The chaos in Seattle. The attacks. They knew Aquila and the Cullens are the targets and they were letting it happen."

"But that doesn't answer the question on who's behind it." Harry said, trying to think of the possible mastermind.

"So we keep looking." Emmett said with determination.

"We'll also take shifts guarding Charlie's house." Carlisle said.

Aquila shook her head. "You don't have to do that. I'll strengthen the wards on Charlie's house, the Gryffindor's flat, Black Manor and this house. No one who could be a threat would be able to get in. What we have to protect are the towns people. We can handle ourselves, don't worry. And you can't do any protection detail while fussing over our security, searching for the intruder, for Victoria and keeping yourselves fed."

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