~Meeting Her~

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My Pov:

I am new to WWE I joined the company a month or so ago.

I have been getting to know a few WWE female superstars and men superstars.

They all seem pretty cool and are really talented.

Which has me second guessing on why I am even here.

I don't feel like I belong here and I don't feel like I am as talented as the others.

Which has me wondering why I am even here.

But those that I have worked with and had a match or two with.

They tell me that I put on a pretty good match and I did very well.

Which makes me feel good about myself and makes me think that I really am good at this.

This is the right place for me maybe it just takes time especially since I am new to this and I am new here.

But as these things are going through my mind I see someone I have not seen here before.

I can't help but wonder if she is new here or if she is just stopping by to see her friends.

As this is going through my mind and the curiosity gets the best of me.

I decide to walk over to her and say something to her.

Me: "Hi uhm sorry to bother you but I have not seen you here before are you new here?"

???: "Hi I am new here I came from NXT the boss here just bought me up to the main roster."

Me: "That is awesome are you on raw or smackdown?"

???: "This is raw so I guess I am on raw."

Me: "That is cool."

???: "Yeah are you new here too?"

Me: "Yeah I have only been here a month or 2."

???: "I would say you are new what is your name if you don't mind me asking?"

Me: "Shelly is my name what is yours if you don't mind me asking?"

???: "My name is Rhea."

Me: "Nice to meet you Rhea I love your name."

Rhea: "Thank you nice to meet you too."

Me: "Do you have a match tonight like your debut match?"

Rhea: "I am not sure yet the boss just told me to wait here and make some friends while he sees what he can do."

Me: "I could keep you company until they figure out what to do?"

Rhea: "But what about your schedule do you have a match tonight or a segment tonight I don't want to be the cause of you losing your job."

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