~Women's 2022 Royal Rumble Match (Part 8)~

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My Pov:

While I am seeing this nothing but worry takes over me I am fully focused on her right now.

Because I want to make sure that she is okay and make sure that she isn't hurt.

Because if she is hurt too bad then we will both be out for a while.

If this is really serious injury then she might need surgery.

As all these things are going through my mind I suddenly say something to her.

Me: "Baby this looks really painful I don't want you over doing it I told you your body can only take so much. I know you are tough and I know you are strong but baby please don't over work yourself."

Rhea: "I will be fine I have no other choice but to do this."

Once she says this she struggles to get to her feet.

But with my help she is able to get up but still struggles.

Because once she makes it to her feet she puts one hand back over her abdominal area.

While her other hand is still holding my hand she is using the support of the ring to stand up.

Because she is in that much pain that she can barely stand.

As I continue to see her like this I continue to worry for her.

Because I know she is strong enough to handle anything but she doesn't need to over do it and hurt herself.

Me: "Baby please don't do this to yourself I don't want you hurting more than you are now please don't do this."

Rhea: "You want me to win don't you?"

Me: "Yes of course I want you to win but your health is more important than anything please don't do this."

Rhea: "I am not only winning this for you but I am winning this for myself as well I will be fine."

Me: "But Baby.."

Before I can finish what I was going to say she suddenly surprises me when she suddenly kisses me.

As she is kissing me I am in shock because I wasn't expecting this from her.

But I don't mind because I love her kisses and I just love kissing her.

But I feel like she is only kissing me to distract me from this match and to distract me from worrying about her hurting and being in pain.

As I am realizing what she is doing I pull away from the kiss and look at her.

But as I am about to say something to her I suddenly hear Corey Graves & Michael Cole say something about us at the announcers table.

Well more like Corey Graves running his mouth about us at the announcers table.

Corey Graves: "Why is Rhea kissing Shelly? They need to focus on the match."

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