~Women's 2022 Royal Rumble Match (Part 2)~

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My Pov:

After I say this she smiles at me which makes me smile and feel so happy that I have her.

As I am sharing this moment with her we don't say anything else.

She gently grabs my hand and we make our way over to the others.

So they don't think anything and we can watch the match on the TV.

So we know when it is our turn to enter the Royal Rumble match.

While we are watching the match on the TV we are really close to each other.

Because all of the women superstars are standing close together watching the match on TV too.

So there isn't really any room to move since everyone is packed like sardines back here.

But as Rhea and I are standing close together I notice that she has her arm wrapped around me and this is enough to make my stomach do back flips.

As we are like this I realize that she is probably doing it.

So the others don't touch me or get near me and realizing this makes me smile like an idiot.

But I quickly hide my smile before anyone notices and questions me on why I am smiling.

While this is going through my mind I gently lay my head on her shoulder just because I want to and I like being like this with her.

As minutes pass and we continue to be close with each other and continue to watch the match on TV the next entry is up.

Which is entry #5 and not long after is entry #6.

As more women superstars go out to the ring it isn't so packed back here and we are able to move.

But after a while the other women superstars leave the TV area to walk around, stand around or sit and talk.

While they wait for their number to come up to enter the Royal Rumble match.

As Rhea and I are waiting for our numbers to come up to enter the Royal Rumble match.

We sit down on the floor next to each other and we drink some water and talk to pass time.

A Few More Minutes Later:

After sitting here talking and waiting more women superstars enter the match.

Which means entry #7-#18 have already entered the Women's Royal Rumble match.

Which also means Rhea and I will be entering the match very shortly.

As we continue to sit here and wait I realize our numbers are coming up so I get up and get ready for my number to come up.

So I don't get distracted and miss my number to enter the Royal Rumble match.

A Few More Minutes Later:

It's time for more women superstars to enter the match and it is entry #19-#25 to go into the ring.

As this is happening entry #19 goes to the ring which means I am next.

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