Chapter 6

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As I wake up in the morning I notice immediately something is different. I'm totally good mood. I go to the bathroom where I see in the mirror that smile on my face. No this can't be. Or could it. Am I in love with Chloe? She blows my mind, nobody ever got as close to me as she did yesterday. I mean I lock out everybody. I have my own kingdom of isolation and I'm the queen. I don't let them in and don't let them see how I feel, but it seems like Chloe has bring my walls down. I'm defenseless. This is really scary. I don't know this feeling. In a way it's good, in a way it's treacherous.
Now it's not the time to think about this. Today is our first Bella sample and I have to hurry up to be in time. I grab my key and my back and run over to the gymnasium. The other Bellas are already there looking at the pictures of the old Bellas.

"Man, the old Bellas was hot!"

I can hear Cynthia saying. In that case Aubrey starts to boss us around as she always does.

"Okay. Sopranos in the front and altos in the back. As you can see, Kori is not here. Last night she was Treble-boned. She has been disinvited from the Bellas."

"That oath was serious?"

I can't believe it. Really? What a shit is this?

"Dixie Chicks serious. You can fool around with whoever you want to, just not a treble."

"That's not gonna be easy. He's a hunter. "

Stacie replies
"You call it a dude?"

Cynthia looks interested to Stacie

"Stacie, the Trebles don't respect us and if we let them penetrate us, we are giving them our power."

Aubrey explains. This girl is so crazy. She has kind of control mania. She goes on looking at us

"So, does anyone here have anything to confess?"

"It was an accident. I..."

a girl in the row in front of me says.

"Turn in your scarf and go."

The girl gives Aubrey her scarf and runs out crying.

"Was that necessary?"

I ask stunned.

"This is war, Beca, and it is my job to make sure that my soldiers are prepped at go time with three kick-ass songs sung and choreographed to perfection. And there are only four months until regionals. So if you have a problem with the way I run the Bellas, then you should just..."

Aubrey's voice is going higher and higher til Chloe interrupts her

"Don't stress Aubrey. Relax. We don't want a repeat of what happened last year."

"What happened last year?"

Lilly asks. Everybody looks at her. Sge pulls out her phone and starts to play the video on YouTube. Everything is going fine till Aubrey is singing her solo. She steps forward and pukes into the front rows of the audience.

"Ooh click on "Guy Pukes on Cat." "

"Enough! It happened. It's over. We will practice every day for at least two hours, seven days a week. And I trust you will add your own cardio."

Aubrey seems angry and also embarrassed. She gives us a list with of all songs that the Bella have ever performed. It's only songs made famous by women.

"There's nothing from this century on here."

I interrupt stunned.

"Because we don't stray from tradition. Now this is how we will become champions."

Aubrey replies. Then she's turns on "Starships" and our sample. We have to run around the stairs up and down. Aubrey just stands there bossing us around.

"Come on girls! Let's go! Go, go, go! Pick up your knees! Faster, faster! One, two, one, two, one two! Knees up, knees up! Go, go! Go! Let's get it! Yes, Chloe. Nice."

Chloe passes her and smiles proud.

"Amy! What are you doing?"

Aubrey finds Fat Amy laying on the seats.

"I'm doing horizontal running."

Amy puts her legs up pretend she would race.

"Horizontal running? "

Aubrey asks her confused with an critical gaze.

"I know I can't do it."

"Okay guys I think this is enough for today. We have to work a lot Bellas"

After everyone left Aubrey orders me to come to her

"Beca, a word?"

"What's up?"

"You know you'll have to take those ear monstrosities out for the Fall Mixer."

"You really don't like me, do you?"

"I don't like your attitude."

"You don't even know me."

"I know you have a toner for Jesse."

"A what?"

"A toner. A musical boner. I saw it at Hood Night. It's distracting."

"Yeah, that's not a thing and you're not the boss of me. Jesse and I were just talking. Aubrey, nothing happened."

If she'd know.

"You took an oath."

"That oath cost you two girls already today. I'm pretty sure you need me more than I need you."

"I can see your toner through those jeans."

"That's my dick."

I yell and turn around. I see Chloe standing in the door hugging a boy.

"Aubrey who is this?"

"That's Chloe's boyfriend"

What the fuck. She has a boyfriend?! Suddenly I feel like I can't breathe anymore. Like someone would stuck a knife in my chest. I go out of the gym and start to run. I don't know where I just run and run. After a while I'm far enough away from the campus. I stop, then I break down. Everything is so empty. I feel so much and I feel nothing. Slowly the tears stream down my face. I try to wipe them with my hands, but they don't stop running out of my eyes. That sucks. I keep laying on the ground. I can't move. I don't feel, it's only empty. Like someone blow out my heart. The emptiness is all around. I can't see, i can't hear, i can't feel. She took away the biggest part of me. Stupid girl, I should have know that I never ever have a chance that Chloe's mine. She's to good for me. Why I even left her in? I'm fooling myself. I should have said no as she came into my shower and kissed me. I should have known...I should have known.
Slowly it becomes dark and I try to stand up. I'm still shaking and nearly can't stand straight. I'm going home and just fall in my bed. I'm not in the mood to do anything now.

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