Chapter 21

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In the next weeks we're practicing every day. It's so much, but it's fun. We elaborated a choreography and I wrote an arrangement for us. We're prepared and ready to blow minds! This is so hard work, but it's going to be awesome! We'll give everything we have to win this shit and I'm sure we'll!
At the last das before the finals I go over to Chloe.

"Babe, can I stay the night? I'm too excited. Normally I'm not, but I cant handle this right now."

"Sure you can."

She lifts the blanket up and I crawl under it. I cuddle with her and she just moans happy.

"I'm scared that we won't win. That I told Aubrey shit. That we'll loose because of me..."

"Honey, don't think like this. You're great and everything you've made for us is also great! You created the new Bella sound and this rocks! We're going to blow minds! Don't worry."

"But what is if the people don't kike this?"

"They will! It's amazing."

"Chloe, I'm scared."

"I know, but you don't have to be. I'm with you. I'll never leave you alone. Together and with the Bellas we will do this!"

"We will..."

"Sure we will! Don't worry."

She always manage to take away my fears. Because if her I'm fearless. I don't know what I would do without her. I shouldn't think of this. I'll never be without her. I'll never let her go! Chloe notices my heart beating fast. She lays her arm around me and strokes me. That calms me down and I smile.

"You should sleep now Becca. Tomorrow is going to be hard."

She says gently and kisses my forehead.

As I wake up in the morning Chloe still holds me in her arms.

"Today is the say."

She speaks smiling.

"Yes it is. I'm so nervous. "

"Me too, but we'll rock it! I think we should hurry up, because Aubrey wants to be in time."

"Okay. Then I'll go and get dressed."

"Hurry up, I need you."

I smile and stand up. Then I go over to my room and take my clothes. I put on a skinny black jeans and a dark blue blouse. My Bella scarf is in my bag. Then I brush my hair and put my make up on. I take a last view in the mirror and go over to Chloe. As I enter her eyes widen and she smiles.

"You're so hot! I have to care for you. Everybody will want you!"

Embarrassed I smile. She's so cute and she's also looking so hot. She wears her red curl open. This is so beautiful.

"Chloe, you're an angel. "

She comes over and kisses me.

"Are you ready? "

"I am!"

I take her hand and we go to the meeting point. In the bus we take a seat next to each other. I lay back inro Chloe's arms. She strokes my arm.

"What's happening here, Chloe?"

Aubrey asks from the row next to us.

"Did you tell Aubrey?"

I whisper and look up to Chloe.

"No. I think she still thinks I'm with Jake..."

"You really become close friends. "

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