Chapter 13

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I'm so nervous. Today are the semi finals. Oh my god. We're going to the semi finals. I still can't believe it. I check myself a last time in the mirror then I go down. The other students are looking at me. Yeah this look is so nice. I'm looking like a stewardess. But they also look because I'm a Bella and the Bellas going to perform tonight at the semi finals! On the outside I can hear the Barden readio playing my mash up "bulletproof song". I'm freaking out and run to the radio station.
"Hey! This is my track! You're playing my song right now! That is awesome! You like it? You put it on the radio! That is amazing!"
"It's a sick beat." Luke is smiling. I'm not sure if he is smiling about me right now, but I don't care. I mean he's playing my song!
"Yeah, I always thought her beats were pretty sick." Remarks Jesse from upstairs. I ignore him. I think we're still having fight.
"Hey, Becky, listen spring break, I want you to take the night shift. Play your music. The DJ at the garage does a brilliant version of this, but yours? It's better."
"Yeah it is."
"I'm gonna listen to her tonight. I think you should... You should come with."
"I have a thing."
"Flight attendant training?" Even Luke thinks I'm looking like a stewardess. I hate our dress code!
"It's Barden Bellas. I have the semi-finals tonight."
"Really? I did not have you pegged as an a cappella girl."
"That's cause you don't know Becky like I do. See you tonight." Jesse says and leaves without adding a thing. I think he's really angry or hust hurt. I can't handle this. I hate feelings.
I wait a little bit till I'm sure that Jesse isn't there anymore. Then I also leave the radio station and go to the bus of the Bellas. The others are already in. I take place in the first row. Amy starts driving. I'm just looking out of the window. Trees and houses pass. I'm becoming sad. I don't know why, I'm just sad. Chloe and I, we'll never be the same. Well never be friends again. I lost her. She's gone. Sha has Jake and he's much better for her than I'm. I wish he wouldn't, but he is. It's true. He's her boyfriend and I, I'm just someone she was friends with once. From the back row I hear Chloe starts singing a part from "Party In The USA". The others but me join in. Sudenly they stop. I feel everyone looking at me and Aubrey is coming closer. What shit is this? I don't want to sing. They are all weirdos! Crazy, crazier, Bellas. Should I sing? Everyone is still watching. Oh come on Becca, don't do this. I start to sing and everybody joins in. This is a moment for me. I think I really like this freaks. The bus becomes slower and slower, then it stops.
"What the hell?" Aubrey is yelling.
"'s pretty cool actually. I think we're just running out of gas."
"No, that can't be. You just filled the tank."
"Yeah, I did. And, yet maybe I didn't."
"A-ca-scuse me?" Oh no Aubrey is becoming outraged. She shouldn't loose control now.
"A-ca-believe it. Man, what are we gonna do?"
"Maybe we could call..."
"No, don't even say it, Chloe how dare you?"
'No, actually that is a really good idea, I've got Bumpers number."
"Why do you have Bumper's number?" You can see it in Aubrey's face that she's about loosing control.
So in the end of the discussion we just call the Treblemakers to pick us up. The nad thing about this: i have to sit right next to Chloe. I smell her parfum. Oh my god. This smell gets me sick. I try not to move or to touch her, but the bus is too small. So our legs touching and she lays her hand on mine. I look down and stare at her hand. Fortunately we arrive in this moment at the semi finals. Fast we go out of the bus to the backstage part. We're late, but not too late. We can see Footnotes performing "Blame It On The Boogie". They're damn good.
"Five minutes, Bellas."
"It's over. There's no way we can beat the Footnotes and the Trebles." Fat Amy says.
"A-ca-huddle, now. The top two teams go to the finals, so we just have to beat one of them. And if we do it exactly how we rehearsed it, we will get there, okay? Exactly. Hands in."
"On three or after three?"
"Screw it. Let's just do it."
"Put your hands together for the Barden Bellas!" The moderator tells and we're going on the stage.
"One, two, three, four..." Aubrey starts. We start to sing again the same song. Again and again. I don't know if we'll ever sing another song. The audience is nearly sleeping. Becca do something. Ne, don't. Aubrey will kill you if you do something. Don't care! I start to sing "Titanium" in this moment the audience start to listen again. I'm not sure if this will change something, but Aubrey will definitely kill me. I'm a dead women.
As we're finished we leave the stage and Aubrey starts shouting at me.
"What the hell Beca? Were you trying to screw us up?"
"Are you serious?"
"Newsflash. This isn't the Beca Show."
"Okay, I'm sorry that I messed you up, but in case you hadn't noticed, everybody pretty much dozed off during our set."
"It's not your job to decide what we do and when we do it. Why don't you ask the rest of the group how they felt about your little improvisation?"
"It was cool. But it did take us a little bit by surprise."
"Yeah, a lot like surprise."
"Mmmm a little."
"I told you she wasn't a Bella."
"Aubrey, don't." Chloe yells from somewhere behind her.
"No, that's okay. You don't have to pretend, you're allowed to have a say in the group, right?"
"Your attitude sucks. You're a grade-A pain in my ass, and I know you're hooking up with Jesse."
"Woah, woah, Aubrey, calm down. We're not hooking up, I swear." Oh.My.God. Is this Jesse? Really does he really says this? Why he always have to barge in into my life?! What the hell he's doing here.
"Jesus Christ! That's perfect. Of course you're here right now. I don't need your help, okay? Can you back off?" I yell at him.
"If this is what I get for trying..."
"Beca you still have a toner for Jesse. "
"Aubrey I don't! "
"Sure you have! You've kissed him! It's your boyfriend"
"What the fuck? Yes I did! What you want to do now?! We're not even a couple! It was just one kiss!"
I can see Chloe hiding the tears in her eyes. Oh my god. Why she is crying. Wait is it because of me and Jesse. No it's not. She has Jake. She really loves him, not me. But than she turns around, starts crying and run away.
"Chloe, stop!" I scream, but she doesn't listen. I start running behind her.
"Aubrey it's over." I yell back and keep running. I run down the corridor, but I can't even see Chloe. I just keep running. I don't want to be here anymore. From somewhere behind me I can hear them shouting.
"Beca? Beca, wait."
I don't care. Chloe is gone, so I'm also gone. What happened? Why this is so messed up? I hate them all. I hate Jesse, Aubrey and the Bellas. Why I even joined them?! I should have known. I'm not a team player. I'm alone, on my own. That's best for everyone. Why I can't get Chloe out of my head?! Why she ran away crying, after hearing about the thing between Jesse and me? But she already known this? So why she was crying? All I know is that I'm not the reason. I wish that I would be, but I'm not.

My new dream (BECHLOE)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ