Chapter 10

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Today is the last rehearsal before our first competition. We had a small break for some days, because Chloe asked for it. Today she also isn't in a good mood. I'm still not talking to her. I don't know if she accepts it, but she doesn't try to talk to me much. I have Jesse and she has Jake. That's okay. I don't need her and she also doesn't need me. We're fine, but not friends anymore.
Aubrey starts talking to Chloe.

"Chloe, you gotta be able to hit that last note."

"I can't. It's impossible. And it's because of my nodes."

"Well if you can't do it, then someone else needs to solo."

"I think Beca should take my solo."

I'm surprisesurprised that Chloe wants me to sing the solo. We're not talking and also don't friends anymore. But is there a chance that she likes me? That all wasn't just pretend?

"Well Beca doesn't want a solo, so..."

"I would be happy to do it if I got to pick a new song and do an arrangement. "

"Well that's not how we run things here."

"Aubrey, maybe Beca has a point."

Chloe is supporting me. What she is doing? Does she likes me? She does. She still likes me. Does she likes me the way I like her?

"Maybe we could try something new."

"A-ca-scuse me? You can sing Turn the Beat Around and that's the last I wanna hear of this."

This is how you can Aubrey get outraged. Just mess up all her planes.

"That song is tired. We're not gonna win with it. If we pull samples from different genres and layer them together, we could make some..."

"Okay let me explain something to you because you still don't seem to get it. Our goal is to get back to the finals and these songs will get us there. So, excuse me if I don't take advice from some alt-girl with her mad-lib beats because she's never been in a competition. Have I made myself clear?"

"Crystal. I won't solo."

Does Aubrey really thinks I will do this? No way! Like this we'll never win!

"Fine. Fat Amy?"

"Yes, sir!"

"You'll solo."

"Yes! Yes."

Amy is really happy about this. Where she takes all of her self confidence?! So she'll sing the solo tomorrow.

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