Chapter 8

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Today is the riff off. I'm so nervous. This is not how I'm using to be. Normally I'm just relaxed. Nothing gets me out of socked. But today it's different. It's our first real competition. I'm not that sure if I'm nervous because the competition or because Chloe and Jesse will be there. I haven't been talking to Chloe since days. I'm not sure if she knows the reason, but she noticed that I'm ignoring her. How we endet up like this? In the first moment it was perfect, but the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now. But I can't take care about this now. I have to focus on the riff off, otherwise Aubrey will loose control. So I try to keep everything out of my head and go to the riff off. All around ate sitting other students and in the middle the a capella groups are standing. The moderator a boy with overweight starts to welcome us. I think he was also the moderator of the auditions.

"Welcome to the riff-off! Who's ready to get vocal? The winners get the greatest prize of all the microphone used by Hoobastank when they rocked out at the Schnee Performing Arts Centre. Let's see our first category."

He looks to the wall where a wheel with much categories turns around. Suddenly it stops and he proclaims

"Ladies of the 80's"

The Trebles start to sing "Mickey". Another group interrupts them and start singing "Like A Virgin". Then Aubrey makes a step forward. And starts to sign "Hit Me With Your Best Shot". Quick we all join in, but then a confused girl interrupts us. She's singing "It Must Have Been Love", but she's not singing good. In case of this she seems really high. The moderator interrupts her

"The negative side effects of medical marijuana, folks. You are...Cut off! Stoney Baloney. Let's check out our next category."

"So we just pick any song that works?"

I'm asking Aubrey

"Yeah, any song."

She replies

"And you just go with it? Nice"

"And our next category is...songs about sex."


I'm saying confused for the first moment. Really quick Cynthia starts to sing Rihanna's "S&M" and we all join in. This is fun. But then the Trebles interrupt us with "Let's Talk About Sex". Stacy goes on singing "I'll Make Love To You" but Jesse interrupts her singing "Feels Like The First Time" and blinks to me. I have the idea. I know the perfect song. I step forward standing right in front of Jesse and start to rap "No Diggity". When I finish the rap part I look insecure around

"Keep going"

Jesse tells me.
I go on and everybody join in. The whole audience and all the groups are singing with the Bellas. This is awesome. This is a great moment.
As we're finish the moderator starts talking

"It's a tough blow ladies. The word you needed to match was "it." And you sang, "it's." You are...cut off!"

"Are you serious?"

I'm yelling.

"The Trebles win!"

"Beca, I'm sorry. You lost."

Jesse says smiling. I could slap him right now for saying this.

"I've never heard that rule! Ladies, ladies, come on. Come back."

Aubrey says outraged. When everyone is standing in a small circle she starts

"Before everybody goes to bed tonight, I need you to make a list of everything you did wrong."

"Hey guys, what we just did was great, right?"

"Calm your pits Beca, we still lost."

"Yeah but it was spontaneous. It was awesome. We were actually listening to..."

I'm still full of adrenaline and think it was awesome. We rocked the riff off. Sadly Aubrey doesn't think like this. She's just thinking about that we lost, nothing else matters. She doesn't care about if we are good or bad, just the fact that we lost. That is so messed up!

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