Chapter 10

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Derek helps him carry the food inside this time, too, though he acts squirrely, or the Derek equivalent of squirrely: extra quiet and quick with his credit card.

"Hey, so I forgot to ask last time - do you need more food before next weekend? I'm actually heading back to my dad's on Wednesday night for Thanksgiving and I wasn't sure if you had, uh, plans for the holiday. I mean, I made a lot of it this week in case you needed it to last longer but-"

"I'm visiting my family back home," Derek mercifully cuts him off. "My parents," he pauses, "...seem to enjoy loading me down with leftovers."

"My dad does that too, I think it's just a living away from home thing. I mean, obviously I make the dinner, but it's like he's afraid I'll starve, and he sneaks a bunch of extra groceries into my Jeep when I'm not looking."

Derek nods. "My sister does that to me. She's only six years older but she acts like-" He makes a frustrated sound.

"She probably misses you a lot. I mean it's not like it's far." Derek jerks his head back and Stiles hurries to explain. "I'm from Beacon Hills, too! You know the Sheriff? My dad? Sheriff Stilinski? Maybe? I recognized your last name," he adds, which is really only half a lie.

"Right, yeah, I- my sister is a deputy with the Sheriff's department. I didn't make the connection," Derek apologizes. "But when you get back, you should, uh, take this-" he presses something into Stiles' palm. "In case I'm out. You can use the kitchen."

Stiles looks down at a key and fob on a small silver keyring. "Are you sure? I mean, thanks, that's great and this kitchen is just - oh my god I want to get my hands all over it, seriously, you have no idea, I'm just surprised you'd be okay with me having a key to this place."

He's still standing really close, right up in Stiles' space. That seems to be standard for Derek, though. "It's not like there's anything to steal," he deadpans and Stiles can't help but crack up.

"I don't know, man, that computer is a serious antique. Maybe I'll put it on Antiques Roadshow. You'll come back from fire patrol and it'll just be gone and you'll have to resort to actually texting me on your phone." He's teasing, though obviously the idea of getting a (probably short, perfect sentence case) text message from Derek has a certain appeal. It's not like they spend a lot of time together, but Derek is clearly warming up to Stiles with every visit.

"You'd put me over my plan," Derek says seriously, as if he isn't living in a mansion and running some kind of Foundation with his millions.

"Absolutely," Stiles replies. "Can't let the world miss out on the magic that is every stray thought that passes through my brain. They'll want those immortalized for all time one day." He pries one end of the keyring open and hooks it through to tangle up with his own keys, a low warmth settling in behind his ribs. "But seriously - thanks. You might live to regret it, but I'm going to make serious plans for this kitchen. Anyway, I've gotta go - gotta finish all my assignments before Wednesday. Have a great Thanksgiving, Derek." Stiles can't help but dart forward and give Derek a quick, firm hug, pressing his face briefly to the soft cotton over Derek's shoulder and inhaling deeply.

When Stiles pulls back he smiles, pleased. Derek looks startled when he says, "You, too."

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