Chapter 45

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Derek directs him to a Best Buy and meanders through the store to the computer department, stopping in the middle of the floor. "Okay," he says, spreading his hands, "Do your worst. Pick something out and I'll replace my antique. Go nuts."

Eyes wide, Stiles' hands spasm a little at just the thought of being able to pick out whatever he wants - well, whatever would be best for Derek, but still. "Is this Christmas? We just had Christmas. But it's like Christmas 2.0 and -wait." Stiles pauses. "This is a thing. You're really in love with me."

Ducking his head, Derek smiles softly. "Uh, yeah, did you miss that the first time around?"

"It's just taking a little while to sink in," Stiles says, still kind of blown away. The antique desktop is the most advanced piece of technology Derek owns, other than his phone. This is huge.

"I can wait," is all Derek says and Stiles can't help but dart forward and wrap him up in a hug, pressing his face to Derek's stubbled cheek and breathing in the smell of him, the feel.

"Even if it's until I'm an old man?" Stiles asks when he pulls back.

The bright grin on Derek's face looks like it matches the way Stiles' face feels, wide and overflowing with happiness. "Take all the time you need."

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