Chapter 35

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Christmas morning Stiles and his dad stay in their pyjamas all day, exchange gifts and eat cinnamon rolls until they feel like they might explode. Stiles rolled them out the night before, let them rise early in the morning and put them in the oven so they'd be ready by the time they'd finished opening their stockings; hot and sweet and covered in toasted pecans.

Stiles spends most of Christmas day and the day after slumped comfortably back onto the couch alternately playing the new game his dad got him and eating bubble and squeak fried up leftovers and cinnamon roll leftovers. It's lazy and lethargic and perfect, his dad stumbling through setting up his new e-reader - better than losing multiple paperbacks under the cruiser's front passenger seat.

Two days later though he gets a text message from Elliot:

Bad news, the part still hasn't come in. :(

Stiles checks the calendar in the kitchen with his dad's shifts penned in and tries to figure out if he can manage to switch shifts and drive Stiles and Lydia back to Oakland and then Berkeley. His phone vibrates again.

Heard you need a ride, and I have to go back to Berkeley anyway. It's from Derek.

Can you fit Lydia, too? I was going to drive her to the Oakland Airport.

Sure is the quick reply, and Stiles grins, types out an effusive thank you before texting Elliot back that he's catching a ride with Derek and it'll be fine. It's a little more difficult to text Lydia.

My baby is in the shop, but Derek said he can drive us back. Don't go crazy.

Two seconds later his phone rings. "Stiles, please, as if I would do anything to jeopardize your love match," Lydia says instead of hello.

"I'm just nervous!" he replies, scrubbing a hand through his hair.

Lydia snorts. "Relax, I already heard you practically spent all of winter break with him and his family-"


"It's all over town, Stiles," she brushes aside his comment. "So if you were fine with that you'll be fine with two measly hours with us in a contained space."

Stiles pauses. " said that deliberately to rile me up, didn't you?" It's not really a question.

"You know it. Bye~!"

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